The function take optional arguments, theta, alpha, beta

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM13163537

 the function tverskySim (found in problem4/tverskySim.m) takes optional arguments, theta, alpha, beta where theta is the weight assigned to the common features between a and b, alpha is the weight for the distinctive features of a, and beta is the weight for the distinctive features of b. Complete the function findRhinoAndSquirrelSim so that it takes theta, alpha, and beta as arguments and returns simRhinoToSquirrel, the similarity of a rhino to a squirrel, and simSquirrelToRhino, the similarity of a squirrel to a rhino. For theta = 1.0, alpha = 0.5, beta = 2.5.


on my data... rhino is number 28 and squirrel is number 27


this is how the function starts...


function [simRhinoToSquirrel, simSquirrelToRhino] = findRhinoAndSquirrelSim(theta, alpha, beta)


Reference no: EM13163537

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