Reference no: EM13480791
Below is the requirement and an example the paper needs to be one and half pages so that would be no more the 400-450 words. All section need to be equal in length.
Example and requirement:
The format below is to be followed for each paper. You can also find a sample paper below written as a protocol to another Unit reading assignment -- The Value of Philosophy. You do not submit a protocol paper on that reading.You can refer always back to this Unit if you have questions about this assignment.
Protocol for Response to Readings:
Use the following protocol in preparing response papers to assigned readings. Each heading should be listed to indicate which part of the protocol you are following. (Example: Write "RECALL," and then list your recollections. In the next paragraph write "SUMMARY," etc.)
RECALL: Simply list what you consider to be the main points in the reading. Try to list at leastfour or fivemain points.
SUMMARY: Using the main points, which you have recalled, write a brief summary of the assigned article.
QUESTIONS: List the questions that you have after reading the chapter/article. Are there particular things that you didn't understand? What other questions are raised for you? (Notice the plural, meaning your response should include several questions.)
QUOTES: Directly quote from the chapter/article. Which quotations really took your attention? Which quotations perplexed you? Which quotations did you particularly like or dislike? Agree with or disagree with?
CONNECT: In what way can you connect this article to your own life experience? How do you connect it with other aspects of your college work? How does it connect to the other parts of this course?
COMMENT: Write evaluative comments about the article. Was it good? Why? Was it not so good? Why?Provide any specific points or parts that you liked or disliked. Say why you liked or disliked them.