The focus of your teams project

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131596541


This assignment is only about BestBuy. You will have to write about two sections. Each section should be one complete page long single space. Total is two pages. NOT ALMOST TWO PAGES. Two complete pages with single spaces. NO DOUBLE SPACE. Make sure you gather credibale information and you HAVE to provide sources and CITE them.

SECTION 1: Provide a description of the brand that will be the focus of your team's project. This information should cover a description of the type of brand; the industry in which it competes; a brief history of the company; its major competitors; and its current performance.

SECTION 2: State whether this company serves individual consumers or organizational consumers. Discuss how this company has been using technology in its marketing strategy. Discuss things such as the use of the Internet, social media, apps, and other kinds of technology available to the company.

Reference no: EM131596541

Questions Cloud

Explain your future goals based on the transferable skills : Transferable Skills Self Reflection. Explain your future goals based on the transferable skills that you've chosen to showcase.
Write cross-reference program which builds a data structure : CSC-220 - Write a cross-reference program which builds a data structure with all words included from a text file and records the line numbers
Find unique intervals of time to wash dishes : I have recently created a new dishwasher that uses heated air in unique intervals of time to wash dishes without the need for water.
What is the modified irr at discount rate : What is the modified IRR at a discount rate of 14 percent?
The focus of your teams project : Provide a description of the brand that will be the focus of your team's project.Discuss things such as the use of the Internet, social media, apps etc.
Rate of interest was used in the present value computation : What rate of interest was used in the present value computation? Assume interest is compounded annually.
Conflicting goals of convenient resource sharing : Operating systems have to balance the conflicting goals of convenient resource sharing and protection against unauthorized resource access.
Do you have three to five main points of analysis : Does the paper give examples of what is and what is not employment? Do you have three to five main points of analysis?
Algorithm of the program : For this exercise you are to write a program (in C or C++ preferably) that reads a text file containing a number of words and displays the words.


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