The five generic competitive strategies

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13738219

Discusses "The Five Generic Competitive Strategies": Low-Cost Provider Strategy; Broad Differentiation Strategy; Focused Low-Cost Strategy; Focused Differentiation Strategy; and, Best-Cost Provider Strategy (see also Figure 5.1). In this forum, you need to locate two scholarly (peer-reviewed) journal sources that investigate any one generic competitive strategy from the perspective of organizations in the same sector. In other words, use research/scholarship that deals with one generic competitive strategy from one sector. More than one organization may be involved, but both articles need to deal essentially with the same area of generic competitive strategy in the same sector of organizations. Here is a great opportunity to investigate one or two of the businesses that your utilize in your personal life, but who represent one of the five competitive strategies. You may either use two articles about the same company, or two different companies-just make sure they fall in the same category of competitive strategy so that you can effectively assert why they are succeeding at what they are doing. Suggestion: a SWOT analysis could be helpful, as based on the articles you select, depending on the depth of information available (SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). Remember to use only scholarly articles (minimum two). However, three total scholarly sources are required with your post, so you may utilize your textbook as needed to support your informed assertions.  

Reference no: EM13738219

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