Reference no: EM13948140
The main page should have information about the field of information technology and the courses you would take in a typical CIS program. Also, add reasons why you decided to major in CIS. Finally, the main page should have three links. Each link will link to a page that Make a website about your major, computer information systems, and the opportunities in this major. This website should have four pages.will have information about a position that you may want to obtain after graduating with your CIS degree. Some examples are web programmer, system analyst, and database administrator. It is left up to you which positions you would like to pursue and hence, create three different pages to describe. The pages that describe the position should have duties of the position, expected growth, outlook, salaries, working conditions, major companies that hire for that particular position, related images (at least 3), and so forth.
Each page must have at least three graphical elements. You must implement the CSS features listed below.
Box Model
Floating Elements
Remember that this website should be well-organized, informative, and attractive. Use colors and great graphics to make this web page interesting so that you can attract more business.Rubric
Site Diagram - Four pages included and named appropriately
Site Diagram - All pages connected in the diagram
Website - Includes four pages as indicated in the site diagram
Website - Pages named appropriately; home page named index.html
Website - All pages connected with working hyperlinks
Website - Text formatted using at least three different tags
Website - Images included and displaying correctly
Website - Content complete on all pages
Lab Report - All sections complete
Lab Steps
Part A: Create the Website
Create the home page.
- Create an index.html page using the following:
Box model using div tags and classes to control the positioning to control those div
Set up at least 4 sections (header, footer, navigation, and main are possible choices) with div tags and class
Set div tags for the layout using the div tag properties
- Add some general information about your major, CIS.
- Add pictures. Be sure that you have permission to use the picture.
- Include at least three text formatting tags, such as heading level, bold (strong), italics (emphasis), and so forth.
- Create three hyperlinks that link to the three pages that have information about the positions you would like to obtain.
Create the three position pages.
- Create pages named after the positions you choose (i.e., programmer.html, analyst.html, databaseadmin.html).
- Add pictures (at least three) related to the specific job position. Be sure that you have permission to use the pictures.
- Include at least three text formatting tags, such as heading level, bold (strong), italics (emphasis), and so forth.