The fibonacci sequence

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13162361

   In the novel "The DaVinci Code", a scrambled version
    13, 3, 2, 21,1, 1, 8, 5 
   of the first eightFibonacci numbers appear as one 
    of the clues left by murdered  museum curator 
    Jacques Sauniere.
   In this assignment, we will do something related to
    the Fibonacci sequence.
   The Fibonacci sequence is a series of whole numbers 
   starting at 1, followed by the sum of the two   
     preceding numbers.
     The first eight ones are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 and 21.
      Write *one* C program that will accomplish *all*
      the following steps:
1) Display the complete Fibonacci sequence until 
     you reach a value
    less or equal than 1,000,000 (one million). 
2) Display the count of how many numbers are in that
      sequence between 1 and 1,000,000.
3) Display (or emphasize in the display of step #1) 
      all the numbers (if any)
    that are part of the Fibonacci sequence 
        below 1,000,000and whose 
     square root is a whole number. 
    For example 16 has a whole square root (4),
    but 16 is not part of the Fibonacci sequence. 
 4) Display (count) how many numbers satisfy the
     two conditions indicated in step #3 (part of Fibonacci
   below 1,000,000  and whole square root).
5) Starting with the second number of the sequence, 
    display the divisionof the numberbythe previous 
     one for the complete sequence 
     Can you see a pattern developing? 
    We call this the Golden Number.
    Important Notes:
     i) Proper indentation and documentation (comments)
    are very important.

Reference no: EM13162361

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