The extrinsic and intrinsic motives

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Reference no: EM131467898

Live Chat Assignment #1- 1 typed page- In this chapter- 8- the author discussed several theories of motivation. There are 5 specific theories discussed on pages 192-195. Please pick 2 theories to compare anmd contrast. Be sure to do both. Which theory do you agree with and why?

Live Chat Assignment # 2- 1 typed page- What is the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motives? The textbook begins the discussion of this topic on page 205. In answering this question, please refer to at least one additional, credible source. In most situations would you say that you are intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated to do something? Explain your answer. Why do you think this is?

8-5a. Extrinsic Versus Intrinsic Motives

Do you want to do well in this course? If you do, why? Carol Dweck (2009) finds that achievement motivation can be driven by performance or learning goals, or both.

For example, are you motivated mainly by performance goals, such as your grade in the course? If so, it may be in part because your motives concern tangible rewards such as getting into graduate school, landing a good job, reaping approval from your parents or your instructor, or avoiding criticism. Performance goals are usually met through extrinsic rewards such as praise and income.

Parents of children who develop performance goals are likely to respond to good grades with rewards such as toys or money and to respond to poor grades with anger and removal of privileges.

"When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is."

- Oscar Wilde , Irish dramatist, novelist, and poet (1854-1900)

Or is it learning goals that mainly motivate you to do well? That is, is your central motive the enhancing of your knowledge and skills-your ability to understand and master the subject matter?

Learning goals usually lead to intrinsic rewards, such as self-satisfaction. Students who develop learning goals often have parents with strong achievement motivation who encourage their children to think and act independently.

Parents and teachers help children develop learning goals by showing warmth and praising them for their efforts to learn, exposing them to novel and stimulating experiences, and encouraging persistence (Dweck, 2006, 2009).

Children who are stimulated in this way tend to set high standards for themselves, associate their achievements with self-worth, and attribute their achievements to their own efforts rather than to chance or to the intervention of others.

Many of us strive to meet both performance and learning goals in our courses as well as in other areas of life. Grades are important because they are connected with tangible benefits, but learning for its own sake is also of value and can provide great pleasure.

Attachment:- theories_of_motivation_.rar

Reference no: EM131467898

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