The exploration team advises

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM131497842

Introduction to Heavy Engineering Sector Technology


This assessment item will give you experience in researching and solving problems that relates to part of the curriculum and then presenting your findings in short essay style mixed with problem solving.

Relates to learning outcomes

1. Identify and describe the basic concepts and principles of heavy engineering technology

2. Apply theoretical and practical knowledge of heavy engineering technologies to different contexts and communicate to industry standards

3. Interpret and analyse information related to mineral economics

4. Select and describe appropriate principles concerning safety and risk management.

5. Communicate effectively to industry and academic standards.

Major Assignment:

Parts A and B: Background of Your Role and Your Company

Background for Part A and Part B

You are employed as a Cost Estimating Engineer in a company named "MYGOODCO". Your manager's name is MANAGER.

MYGOODCO is an upstream petroleum exploration and production company. As a Cost Estimating Engineer, you provide services to Exploration Teams, Project Development Teams, and ongoing Operations Teams. For your current role as a Cost Estimating Engineer, you only have these internal company stakeholders to work with and satisfy.

MANAGER comes to you with assignments and associated deliverables as needed.

Part A: Briefing on a Conventional Gas Development

Current Status for Part A

MYGOODCO has successfully explored for, discovered, and now appraised a gas- condensate field in NEWCOUNTRY. This will be the first petroleum development for MYGOODCO in NEWCOUNTRY.

The hydrocarbon reservoir is a good quality sandstone with a traditional anticline structure. It has a surface outline of an oval. Maximum width of the field is about 3 kilometres. It runs from about 3 kilometres offshore in the shallow bay waters to 8 kilometres onshore in reasonably level and well drained cane fields.

Appraisal of the hydrocarbon field shows sufficient quantities of gas and associated condensate oil to be commercial as a smaller and lower cost development. The gas from the field can be connected to a gas pipeline grid. The engineers and geologists advise the hydrocarbon field has a very strong aquifer water drive.

In NEWCOUNTRY, a significant seaside community, BIGTOWN, exists that already supports the oil and gas industry. Near BIGTOWN, a competitor company owns and operates a crude oil tank farm, crude oil loading jetty, and associated infrastructure to store produced oil and then pump it onto passing mid-size tankers for oil export into the normal worldwide oil commodity market.

Having successfully completed their goals, the exploration/appraisal team is now handing off to a project team that will progress the gas and condensate oil production opportunity forward into a development.

MANAGER will be part of the overall Governance Board that creates the project team organization and selects the project team members. MANAGER has a strong technical and project management background. However, MANAGER is new to MYGOODCO, and comes from a refining background. MANAGER has no experience and no direct knowledge of oil and gas developments and operations.

Your Part A Assignment

MANAGER asks you to brief him/her with a detailed description and understanding of a development of a gas and associated condensate field which uses primary recovery of the hydrocarbon resource. Your description will begin with hydrocarbon reservoir and progress through to sales of gas and condensate oil. In a "real life" company/corporate setting, this briefing would likely be an informal discussion around a table, with a whiteboard for drawings, and maybe a collection of various drawings, photos, reports, etc. However for this Assessment No. 2, your briefing will be in the form of a written brief. Feel free to include figures and tables as you deem appropriate. All figures and tables must include appropriate explanation and discussion.

The goal of your brief is to educate MANAGER on what to expect for this hydrocarbon field development project. Naturally, you wish to impress MANAGER, and you also wish to provide good information so MANAGER can make good decisions when structuring the project team and selecting the people to fill the roles. As a Cost Estimating Engineer, you will be providing services and support to the project team, and you wish to work with team members that can deliver a successful oil development project.

For your brief, prepare and structure your thoughts into a way that aids understanding to MANAGER. As you feel appropriate and as one possible example, decompose the hydrocarbon field development project into major components for discussion. For each major component, your briefing may include information such as:
- How and why does this major component fit into the "big picture" of a hydrocarbon field development?
- What are key technologies, processes, steps, subcomponents, etc.?
- What are key risks and opportunities for the major component? These should be grouped and presented in TECOPS categories.
- What questions do you anticipate coming from MANAGER to help in setting up a project team? What are your answers?

As some final framing for this brief:
- The target audience for this brief is MANAGER, not some other internal or external stakeholder. MANAGER will have good knowledge of cost estimating principles such as the AACE cost estimating guide table, and MANAGER will already understand the project management principles and processes.
- Mid to high level descriptions are expected for this brief. In your brief, you are free to include statements that qualifies (e.g., higher, same, lower, etc.) any of your discussion about scope, quality, schedule, and/or cost. You are not expected to provide detailed schedule and cost estimates for this brief. For example, if you need to discuss a vehicle, you can say that it will be a heady duty transport truck. You do not need detailed descriptions such as a 100 tonne B-Double costing $500,000.

Part B: Planning Conventional Oil Exploration

Current Status for Part B

MYGOODCO has a portfolio consisting of several exploration permits in NEWCOUNTRY. All permits have prospective conventional oil potential; permit acreage starts onshore and extends to shallow offshore. A business requirement for the exploration team is a multi- year plan of estimated schedule and costs at AACE Class 4 quality.

Your Part B Assignment

MANAGER has come to you and requested you to frame and forecast a typical exploration and appraisal plan for this permit over coming years. This will include schedule, costs, and associated explanation. Your estimate quality will be "top down AACE Class 4" which comes from your personal experience and database (i.e., your cost estimating toolbox - see below).

You have met with the Exploration Team to gain more understanding of your task ahead. Based on their preliminary work to date, the Exploration team advises:

- The area is approximately 40% in offshore shallow bay waters. Nearby communities and good infrastructure cover another 20% of the permit area. The remaining 40% permit area is remote onshore.

- The area already has good aerial sourced gravity and magnetic data. No further major gravity and magnetic surveys need to be planned at this time. If needed in the future, the extra gravity and magnetic surveys would be ground based, localized, and relatively low cost.

- Initial geological mapping combined with gravity and magnetic data has identified 10 geologic leads which require further petrophysical data before more geologic evaluations can be performed. These geologic leads are:
o 2 remote area onshore at 2300m
o 3 remote area onshore at 2000m
o 2 populated area onshore at 1800m
o 3 offshore at 1500m.

- Statistical analysis of these 10 geologic leads indicates that only 3 will mature and become drillable prospects. Of the possible drillable prospects, statistics show that 1 is remote area onshore and 2 are offshore.

- Of the drillable prospects, statistical analysis indicates that 2 of the drillable prospects will become oil discoveries. Of the discoveries, 1 is remote area onshore and 1 is offshore.

- Final statistical analysis indicates that 1 of oil discoveries would be very small, non- commercial, and requires no appraisal. However, the other oil discovery could progress into a proven commercial oil discovery if appraised. Ultimately if success occurs, this commercial oil discovery would become the target for an application for a production licence and associated oil field development.

- The exploration team prioritises one onshore lead as their very best lead. Therefore for your planning purposes, the Exploration Team advises you to use this lead as the one lead that is forecasted to ultimately become a commercial oil discovery.

MYGOODCO Management is waiting for an expenditure forecast so that can obtain budget and multiyear financing from their parent company.

Verified Expert

A New development of oil and gas plant estimation and management is an important parameter for oil and gas plant management. As cost estimation engineer it is difficult to estimate perfect planning and perfect management for upcoming plant. This can be done by using past data and past result as well. To cost estimation model will create from past experience, provide configuration and structure of plant. In stand of the fact that employers thin near initial change to limit the costs threat.

Reference no: EM131497842

Questions Cloud

Discuss any similarities or differences between the two : Discuss any similarities or differences between the two. Examine how these buying behaviors would affect marketing activities/ strategies.
What stereotypes about students are held : What is the instructor's role in the class? Is there anything else that you feel is important?
Provide an overview of community building practices : Provide an overview of community building practices as stated in Kouzes and Posner. Identify at least three different cultures from countries other.
What is the philosophy of evaluation : Read a book or view a video/movie (e.g., Wall Street or The Firm) and identify the organizational culture and norms it embodies.
The exploration team advises : You have met with the Exploration Team to gain more understanding of your task ahead. Based on their preliminary work to date, the Exploration team advises
Why use cases : Case studies allow a learning-by-doing approach.The material in the case provides the data for analysis and decision making. Cases require you to diagnose.
Calculate the mode for the cost of the breakfast menu : Calculate the mode for the cost of the breakfast menu, the median for the cost of the lunch menu, and the mean for the cost of the dinner menu
Analyze competitive positions including foreign market entry : Section 2: Marketing Budget- Analyze competitive positions including foreign market entry and the resulting impact on business strategy.
Examine the pros and cons of the various actions : It's 4:30 on a Friday afternoon and the weekly beer bust is in full swing at Quantum Software's Seattle headquarters. The sun shines on the volleyball court.



5/16/2017 7:38:15 AM

Organization & Presentation (15%) A very good standard of organization and presentation, including style, grammar, references, etc. A good standard of organization and presentation, including style, grammar, references, etc. A reasonable standard of organization and presentation, including style, grammar, references, etc. The student reaches the point where the report is difficult to read and understand. There may be a lack of good organization, style, grammar, references. etc. Limited organization and written communication.


5/16/2017 7:38:05 AM

Cost Estimating (27%) A very good understanding of cost estimating principles for AACE Level 5 and Level 4 have been provided, these include, but are not limited to: • Precise and accurate descriptions of scope items. • Thorough cost estimating for the AACE quality required. A good understanding of scope has been provided, these include, but are not limited to: • Accurate descriptions of scope items. • Good cost estimating for the AACE quality. A good understanding of scope has been provided, these include, but are not limited to: • Accurate descriptions of scope items. • A cost estimate for some major scope items. A good understanding of scope has been provided, these include, but are not limited to: • Incomplete descriptions of scope items. • A starting cost estimate on some major scope items. The student provides little or no evidence of learning.


5/16/2017 7:37:56 AM

Scope Identification & Clarity (26%) All the major components of required project scope have been identified. Approximately 90+/-% of the major components of required project scope have been identified. Approximately 80+/-% of the major components of required project scope have been identified. At least 60+/-% of the major components of required project scope have been identified. The student provides little or no evidence of learning. Schedule Setup & Clarity (32%) Very clear and correct interpretation of how the scope fits into and works within the overall business. Clear and correct interpretation of how the scope fits into and works within the overall business. Reasonable interpretation of how the scope fits into and works within the overall business. Partial interpretation of how the scope fits into and works within the overall business. The student provides little or no evidence of learning.


5/16/2017 7:37:35 AM

1. Identify and describe the basic concepts and principles of heavy engineering technology 2. Apply theoretical and practical knowledge of heavy engineering technologies to different contexts and communicate to industry standards 3. Interpret and analyse information related to mineral economics 4. Select and describe appropriate principles concerning safety and risk management. 5. Communicate effectively to industry and academic standards.


5/16/2017 7:37:25 AM

Assessment items submitted after the due date without an approved extension will not be marked and will receive a grade of 1 or 0%. If special circumstances prevent you from meeting the assessment due date, you can apply for an extension. If you don't have an approved extension you should submit the work you have done by the due date and it will be marked against the assessment criteria. QUT's assessment submission requirements reflect the expectations of professional practice where you will need to meet deadlines.

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