Reference no: EM132001430
Prepare a paper on "The effect of social media on consumer behaviour: Purchase decision process."
The paper must include a graph used as an explanatory tool of the economic principle presented. Your submission should have at least four sections: The first introduces the reader to the selected topic and discusses how the analysis was conducted.
This is a typical introduction which should be a part of any paper. The second section, the Literature Review, provides a detailed summary of the economic circumstances and facts that serve as the foundation for the economic analysis.
The literature draws on several authoritative references. The third section is the economic analysis. This section must utilize the tools developed in the course. This is where the graphical depiction will be included. Ensure that the paper explains the graphical analysis.
Don't leave it to the reader to figure out what you intend. The specific analysis will depend on the chosen topic. The final section will present your conclusions and a brief summary.
The paper must be in APA format including these elements: title page, running head, page numbers, headings, source citations, and reference list.