The doctrine of informed consent

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Reference no: EM133284021

1. The _______ principle states that autonomous persons should be allowed to exercise their capacity for self-determination.




double effect

2. The doctrine of informed consent was developed primarily to safeguard

physician autonomy.

the sanctity of human life.

weak paternalism.

patient autonomy.

3. People opposed to _______ argue that it is wrong because it violates the rights of persons to determine for themselves what is good and what is right.

the doctrine of double effect

weak paternalism

strong paternalism


4. Physicians face pressure from pharmaceutical companies to use expensive treatments of limited efficacy, are penalized for low productivity, and have financial incentives to recommend procedure-oriented interventions in place of minimally invasive counseling. These all represent serious threats to

weak paternalism.

physician autonomy.

patient autonomy.

the sanctity of human life.

5. A toddler is seriously injured and the only way to save her life is to give her a blood transfusion. Her Jehovah's Witness parents refuse because the procedure is explicitly forbidden by their faith. The physicians proceed with the transfusion and save the girl's life and the parents sue the physicians and the hospital by claiming _______ was violated.

the principle of beneficence

the sanctity of human life

the right to refuse treatment

an advance directive

6. Courts have stretched the right of competent patients to reject recommended treatments to situations in which they become incompetent (e.g., lapse into a coma) via advanced directives or other evidence of their preferences.



7. Act- and rule-utilitarians do not dramatically disagree on how to balance patient autonomy and provider beneficence.



8. It is an accepted truth that nurses have a duty to follow a doctor's orders even when they think those orders are questionable. Physicians must always be the ultimate authority on treatment in urgent or serious cases.



9. Only a few states have religious exemptions in their civil codes on child abuse or neglect.



10. Ultimately, the courts affirmed Elizabeth Bouvia's right to die by starvation on the grounds that she had a constitutionally guaranteed right to refuse medical treatment.



Reference no: EM133284021

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