Reference no: EM13899493
1) The digital system usually operated on .........system.
(a) binary (b) decimal (c)octal (d) hexadecimal
2)The First Microprocessor was__________
a) Intel 4004 b) 8080 c) 8085 d) 4008
3)Pentium-I, Pentium-II, Pentium-III and Pentium-IV are recently introduced
microprocessor by__________
a) Motorola b) Intel c) Stephen Mors d) None
4)Which of the Following holds the ROM, CPU, RAM and expansion cards
a) Hard disk b) Floppy disk c) Mother board d) None of the above
5)The communication line between the CPU, memory and peripherals is called a
a)Bus b) line c)media d) none of these
6) The language that the computer can understand and execute is called ______
a) Machine language b) Application software c) System program
d) None of the above
7) Operating system is
a) A collection of hardware components c) A collection of software routines
b) A collection of input-output devices d) none of the above
8) Typical data transfer rate in LAN are of the order of
(a) Bits per sec (b) Kilo bits per sec (c) Mega bits per sec
(d) None of the above
9) Modem stands for
a) A type of secondary memory b) Modulator demodulator
c) Mainframe operating device memory d) None of the above
10)Memories which can be read only are called.............. memories
11)Which of the following holds the ROM, CPU, RAM and expansion cards
a)Hard disk b)Cache memory c)Mother board d)None of the above
12)A computer cannot "boot" if it does not have the
a)Compiler b)Loader c)Operating system d)Assembler
13) The Central Processing Unit:
a) is operated from the control panel.
b) is controlled by the input data entering the system
c) controls the auxiliary storage unit
d) controls all input, output and
14) Which of the following is not hardware:
a) Magnetic tape b) Printer c) VDU terminal d) Assembler
15) Terminal is a:
a) device to give power supply to computer
b) point at which data enters or leaves the computer
c) the last instruction in a program
d) any input /output device.
16)Which of the following would cause quickest access
a) direct access from a magnetic tape
b) direct access from a hard disk
c) direct access from a floppy disk
d) direct access from a cassette tape
17) The process of retaining data for future use is called
a) reading b)writing c)storing d)coding
18)..........Are used for converting one type of number system in to other form.
a) Encoder b) logic gate c) half adder d) FA
19)......... Are used for converting one type of number system in to the other form
a) Decoder b) logic gate c) half adder d) Full adder
20)Multiplexer means ..............................
a) One in to many b) many in to one c) many in to many d) none of these
21) In logic algebra, variables can assume only two values: either..........or 1.
(a) 2 (b) 0 (c) 3 (d) 4
22) A logic gate is an electronic circuit which
(a) makes logic decisions (b) allows electron flow only in one direction
(c) works on binary algebra (d) alternates between 0&1 values
23) In positive logic, logic gate 1 corresponds to
(a) positive voltage (b) higher voltage level
(c) zero voltage level (d) lower voltage level
24) The output of a 2-input OR the gate is 0 only when it's
(a) both inputs are 0 (b) either input is 1
(c) both inputs are 1 (d) either input is 0
25) When an input electrical signal is applied to a NOT gate, it's output
Signal is
(a) 01011 (b) 10101 (c) 10100 (d)00101
26) A NOR gate is ON only when all it's inputs are
(a) ON (b) positive (c) high (d) OFF
27) A Register is a group of ---------
a) OR gates b)OR & AND gate c)Flip-flops d)None of these
28) Each Flip-flop stores ---------- bits
a) 1 bit B) 8 bit c) 16 bit d)2 bit
29)__________is used to create Large program on internet
a) C++ b) HTML c) C language d) Java script
30)The Device which converts instructions into the binary form that is understood by the
computer and supply to the computer is known as__________
a) Input b) Output c) Automatic d) Memory
31)Laptop PCs are also known as __________Computers
a) Mainframe b) Super c) Notebook d) personal
32)Windows 7 is __________
a) Graphics System b) Operating System c) Drawing system d) Processing
33)The number system that we use in our day to day life is called the Number
a) Octal b) Binary c) hexadecimal d) Decimal
34. Why registers are used?
35. Why memory is used?
36. What is MBR?
37. Define Access time of memory?
38. What are the basic 3 part of the computer?
39. What is memory cell?
40. What is the purpose of ALU unit in CPU ?