The difference between the group by and having

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131910772

1. Why is it best practice to not use SELECT * when writing SQL code? You may have to Google this answer.

2. Which SQL statement(s) in SQL is/are related to predicate logic? Explain your answer.

3. What is the difference between the GROUP BY and HAVING Clause?

4. What is wrong with this WHERE statement (assume the SELECT and WHERE Clauses are correct).
...WHERE Salary >=10000 or <= 50000.

5. Does the following statement require a GROUP BY? Explain. SELECT MAX(Salary) as ‘Salary'...

6. Why do you think many experts recommend using parenthesis when using AND and OR conjunctions?

7. What is the answer to this question? 3*3+7-(7-1)

8. If you had an opportunity to travel and receive SQL training after you finish college, where would you go and why? Spend some time searching for what you would consider the best SQL training workshop that lasts less than a week. Provide the link.

9. What is the difference between VarChar and Char data types? Provide an example of each and when they could be used.

10. What happens in SQL if you divide and INTEGER and it has a remainder? You mayhave to Google this question.

11. Just based on the name of these tables, which would you need to drop first (e.g., DROP TABLE...) and why: STUDENT and STUDENT_LOCKER.

Reference no: EM131910772

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