Reference no: EM13905415
Your team is expected to prepare a three page double spaced paper that represents an agreement by all members regarding their roles and responsibilities of one another and other behaviors expected of the high performing team you choose to demonstrate throughout the class. The paper will be termed:
“The Design and Organization of Our Team.” It must include a code of conduct created by your team and to be used to guide all of its members. In your preparation of this paper, you will need to review the “Guidelines for Teams” document attached separately and another’s team Guidelines example below.
“The Design and Organization of Our Team”
Our Code of Conduct is effective as of March 13, 2013 to all team members. Our code of conduct is intended as a guideline for members to practice when working within the group. All members must use their best judgment; however they must follow our guidelines as bases for their approaches. Ultimately, we have one collective goal and we must work together by applying our unique skills, knowledge and experiences to excel in all assignments. We will pride ourselves in our work by executing all assignment to the best of our abilities.
Our team will achieve superior academic results this quarter by applying concepts learned in the Organizational Behavior class to our line of work. Leadership, commitment, academic performance, positive working relationships and “Can-do” attitude will characterize the group’s interactions and facilitate the timely and joyful completion of all assignments.
Leadership responsibilities will be shared by each member of the team, with each team member taking the lead role on a weekly basis as set forth by the calendar agreed upon during the first week of class. Also, a weekly assignment schedule will be provided to minimize confusion between team members and also serves as a look ahead for the team to help the team member with the lead role. Team members with no leading role on a week will have facilitator roles during that week. All team members are expected to participate every week, by responding to posting in discussion board, file exchange, e-mail and/or text messages regardless of the leading role responsibilities as these assignments require input from all team members for final discussion and complete drafts.
Decision Making:
Always keeping in mind what is best for the team, decisions will be made as a group. If a member cannot be reached, the majority of member in attendance will decide on the appropriate action for the decision and will notify other members via, group discussion board, text and/or e-mail. Good discussions will not only improve our class performance, it will also improve our individual knowledge about Organizational Behavior. Preliminary decisions, ideas, and team direction and decisions will be initiated and implemented upon reasonable discussion, with final decisions being made by the general consensus of the involved teams members after all avenues have been executed in involving everyone in the conclusion (via e-mail, discussion board, e-mail, text messaging).
Our Code of Conduct
• Attend weekly meeting. Our team has scheduled weekly Skype meetings for Thursdays at 9:00 pm EST. During this meeting we will discuss our approach to the assignments, agree on the weekly timeline, appoint a weekly leader and team members will volunteer for various tasks. If no one volunteers the weekly leader will assign the tasks.
• Notify members of absence. Any team member unable to attend the weekly meetings is to notify the team by Tuesday 9:00pm EST. In case of a last minute cancelation please notify team members via group text message. One team member will volunteer each week to notify the absent members of the key points of the meeting (i.e. weekly timeline, weekly leader, division of tasks etc.).
• Team Structure. Each week a different team member will take the lead in the assignment. Based on the weekly timeline the leader will post a draft for the other members to edit. The leader will then combine all the edited drafts to make a final draft. Everyone is to review and approve the final draft at least 12 hours before the assignment is due. One team member, Lulu Johnson, will be responsible to turn in all the assignments no later than 12 hours before the respective assignments are due. A group text message will be sent out to notify everyone once the assignment has been submitted.
• Communication. All team members will make themselves available for communication via Skype, Black Board, email and text message. All team members will check the team’s Black Board prior to the weekly Skype meeting.
• Respect others time. All team members will come to the meetings prepared to knowledgably discuss the weekly assignment. This means we will have read over the assignment and fully understand the topics prior to the meeting. If there is any confusion contact the professor, learning coach or other team members prior to the meeting to fully understand the assignment. Being prepared for the meetings shows value and respect for the time and convenience of others.
• Don't commit to tasks that you can’t do. Only agree to complete tasks that you feel you can correctly complete. Commit to a task that you are confident working on. The task you choose, or are assigned, should be something you research and feel confident that you can execute correctly.
• Fulfill your commitments. If you agreed to take on a task make sure you complete the task in the agreed upon time frame. If you are having a difficult time reach out to the other team members prior to the deadline.
• Participate. Each team member will have the opportunity to participate on every assignment. According to the weekly timeline each member will have the opportunity to edit the submitted drafts. If the team does not agree with the edits made they can override them but must give an explanation why. All team members will be responsible and held
accountable for assisting with assignments and accomplishing goals.
• Give constructive criticism. Don't be afraid to correct another person’s mistake, but do so respectfully. We will work together to help each other understand and apply the course material.
• Don't Plagiarize. Give credit where credit is due by properly documenting all of your sources. Don’t site sources that are not used, only use reputable and current sources.