The database dish.xlsx contains a transaction history

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13511587

The database Dish.xlsx contains a transaction history describing more than 4,000 purchases of detergent
at a number of stores in a grocery chain over a period of several weeks.
a) How many records are in this database?
b) How many fields are in this database?
c) Is the field SALE nominal or numerical?
d) Is the variable PRICE measured on an interval or ratio scale?
e) Which field contains blank cells, and how may does it contain?
f) What is the highest price in the database?
1g) How many records pertain to the description SUNLIGHT GEL 2.49?
h) Create a histogram of the PRICE variable and interpret it.
i) What is the average price?
j) Are higher priced products generally more profitable?
k) Does profit vary systematically across stores?
l) In week 387, which stores had average profit over 18?

Reference no: EM13511587

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