The data file being used contains records

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13164462

This program will read the data file that was created from another program. The file is a text file: payroll.txt. Copy that data file into the root directory of the Project Folder.

The data file being used contains records with an employee's name, the number of hours they worked, and their hourly pay rate. Write a program to read the records of information and output (to the Output window or a dialog box) the employee's name and their Gross Pay.

Compute their gross pay by using the following formulas:

If the employee worked 40 hours or less, their pay should be: hours * hourlyPayRate

But if the employee worked more than 40 hours, they get paid their regular amount for the first 40 hours plus "time and a half" for the hours worked over 40. Time and a half means 1.5 times their hourly pay rate. Use the following formula: (40 * hourlyPayRate) + (hours-40) * 1.5 * hourlyPayRate

Reference no: EM13164462

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