The cycle continues during homework time after school

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Reference no: EM133591723


You know more than you think----> Let's pretend you are a social worker in an outpatient setting providing family counseling to Mom, Dad, and their children - 10 year old daughter, 8 year old son. Here's what you know: Mom and Dad happily married Both parents employed and worked full-time Daughter very intelligent and diagnosed with ADHD - does take meds Son - typical 8 year old boy - compliant with no major anger outbursts, does have conflict with sibling conflict but mostly the peace keeper The presenting problem: Parents are beyond frustrated in dealing with their daughter who has many difficulties, especially in the morning, in getting ready for school - distracted, attitude, non-compliant at times, wants to argue. The cycle continues during homework time after school. Parents, many times, get sucked into the power struggle vortex with their daughter.

Reference no: EM133591723

Questions Cloud

How effective is her approach : How effective is her approach? Explain your answer thoroughly so that we will understand your thinking.
Explain how knowing about these developmental tasks : Explain how knowing about these developmental tasks can help you in the care of each of your groups of clients?
What would be the molecular formula for a molecule made : What would be the molecular formula for a molecule made by linking three glucose molecules together by dehydration reactions?
Discuss challenges and promises of employing synthetic blood : Discuss challenges and promises of employing synthetic blood. Make sure to describe the structure of RBCs and how it carries out their function.
The cycle continues during homework time after school : The cycle continues during homework time after school. Parents, many times, get sucked into the power struggle vortex with their daughter.
Example of what way to quantify his observations : He uses a stopwatch to time the periods where she is not hitting another child. This is an example of what way to quantify his observations?
Toddler social interactions in inclusive environments : The following are general suggestions for caregivers to set the stage for infant/toddler social interactions in inclusive environments,
Resolve cultural conflicts between caregivers and families : What is one of the three solutions Gonzalez-Mena suggests to resolve cultural conflicts between caregivers and families?
Signs of relationship stage include creation of nicknames : Signs of this relationship stage include creation of nicknames, inside jokes, and personal idioms; increased use of we and our;


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