The crisis of euro zone-implications

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM131095452

Write a proposal on :-The crisis of euro zone-implications, dimensions, indian aspect and reform proposal 

  • Proposal must include the given points to complete the assignment
  • Main Causes of Euro Zone Crisis
  • Rising Government Debt Levels
  • Trade Imbalances
  • Monetary Policy Inflexibility
  • Loss of Confidence
  • Rating Agency Views
  • Greece Economy
  • The Proposal
  • Formulate a fiscal rule
  • Create a fiscal authority or constitutional amendment to implement the rule
  • Extensions
  • Government Investment versus Government Consumption
  • Domestically-held versus Foreign-held Debt
  • Caveat
  • Other Proposals for Dealing with the Eurozone Crisis
  • Impact on Indian Economy
  • Conclusion
  • References

Reference no: EM131095452

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