The creation of a digital presentation

Assignment Help Other Engineering
Reference no: EM131074108

Description Watch a Hollywood movie and discuss the main technology and its system through the creation of a digital presentation and images using Watch Prezi's "8 Tips for an Awesome Prezi" and explore other prezis. Present and discuss the following questions:

1. What is the movie's story
2. How was the technology vital to the storyline?
3. Is the technology practical - yes, no, both? Give at least 3 reasons why
4. Identify at least 4 systems that are needed for the technology to be functional/useful?
5. Who made the technology, when and why?
6 Cite your sources

Due see schedule

Points 38 extra credit

Objectives To better understand how technology plays a role in the storytelling of a movie. To tell a story using a visually interesting/persuasive presentation

Use Prezi, a new digital technology, that explores the topic of this assignment.

Audience Your peers & instructor.
Specs Create a digital presentation using Prezi's online presentation tools.
Use at least 25+ "views" of information (hint... each view or slide should only have one or two key points

- tell the story visually using minimal text and only when needed to add clarity or depth). Each view/slide needs to have imagery from the movie to support your answers. Don't forget about the background image and colors - all play a role in the story/presentation!

Reference no: EM131074108

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