Reference no: EM13762343
1. Go to the online library and find a recent (no older than 3 years) article reporting the results of a nursing or health research study in which correlation analysis is used (try using health research and correlation as search terms).
2. Post the reference using APA format at the top of your response and then provide a BRIEF 1 paragraph summary of the study.
3. Identify the null hypothesis and alternative hypotheses (you will need to write the null in your own words as this is not provided in most research reports).
4. Share the correlation analysis statistic that is reported.
5. Address the type of data required and whether assumptions of the test were met. In order to do this, you will need to state:
6. -What was the Dependent Variable (DV) and at what level was it measured?
7. -What was the Independent Variable (IV) and at what level was it measured?
8. You will then compare this to the type of data required and whether assumptions of the test were met.
9. Briefly discuss whether the finding in your study is statistically significant and what this means. Respond to your peers' by discussing the possible implications of their posted study.
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