Reference no: EM13456034
Write good clear English. (Good grammar and logical clarity go together). Write with a straightforward style and mature tone.
Answer the question; do not merely write about the topic in a general way.
Have a clear overall line of argument; made plain in the introduction or conclusion.
Give your paper a good logical structure giving the reader a clear idea of the substance of and purpose of each section %uFFFD what it is it dealing with, and what it is trying to show.
Cover the bases and stick to the point. Deal with the important and relevant issues involved in answering the question. Avoid irrelevant considerations, waffle etc.
Argue (do not merely assert) your view. Use both evidence and logical supporting arguments.Show recognition of the key critical arguments that might be made against your view, and rebut them.
Use recommended references (though obviously you are not restricted to them). This is how to ensure you do the three preceding things. It shows you have engaged with the course materials (which is necessary), but also it is these materials that will in turn tell you what the question is actually about, what considerations are relevant to answering it, and what others might say, for or against your view.
1- %uFFFDGlobalisation is exaggerated.%uFFFD Discuss
2-Analyse the key elements of the international monetary regime embodied in the Bretton Woods institutions in the decades immediately after WW2%uFFFDwith regard to monetary policy and exchange rates, international credit, and policies for handling international payment imbalances and adjustment. How does this differ from what Keynes wanted?
3-What is agglomeration and why does it happen?
4-Is free trade always the optimum trade policy? Assess the arguments on both sides.
5-Discuss the case for and against the liberalisation of international capital flows.
6-How far, in the post war period, has the United States provided benign leadership for the common interests of global capitalism?
7-%uFFFDThe Eurozone is not a system that serves all nations and social interests but one that privileges some over others.%uFFFD Discuss with relation to: the regime of the monetary union, the economic imbalances within it, and the differences both between nations and social interests.
8-The contemporary world economy, it is said, suffers from major imbalances. What are these, and what are their causes and consequences?
9-Explain Keynes%uFFFD critique and alternative to classical Liberal orthodoxy with regard to international economic policy prescriptions. What differences of theory underlay this contrast, and what contemporary phenomena show the argument is still very much alive?