The consistency between all elements of the design

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13914936

You are required to use the requirements information gathered during System Analysis (SA - CSC- 40025) workshops and coursework to create an initial design for a piece of attendance monitoring software. Any assignment documents created in System Analysis were at the requirements level of detail, and the set created in this module need to be at the design level. At the design level additional use cases and classes are likely to be discovered, therefore the submission of one or more of the same documents as submitted for the System Analysis coursework is not adequate.

In the System Design workshops you have been working in groups. For fairness, the System Analysis assignments of every person within your System Design group will be made available to all members of the group. This ensures all students see a number of examples of the diagrams, and fills in the background for students that did not take System Analysis. No information regarding the marks/feedback awarded for the work will be given by the lecturers, however, as students you are allowed to discuss any feedback you obtained with your colleagues if you wish.

The coursework contains a design component and a reflective component, each worth 50% of the module mark. The marking scheme for each component can be found below. The design component will involve generating information at design level on all the deliverables produced in System Analysis (use cases, class diagrams and sequence diagrams) and the use of further notation (statecharts).

You will work individually to generate a design. This design will consist of:

1. A use case diagram

2. A set of 8 use case descriptions

3. A class diagram and a CRC card for all classes

4. A set of 4 sequence diagrams

5. A set of 2 statecharts

You will have 1 workshops per week in which you will have access to experienced designers.

The marking scheme for the design (worth 50% of the module mark) is based on your demonstration of the following aspects:

1. The correct use of all notations

2. The consistency between all elements of the design

3. The completeness of the information provided - that all elements of the required information, for a given component, are present

4. The use of constraints

The marking scheme for the reflection (worth 50% of the module mark):

1. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the design produced and make suggestions as to how weaknesses might be addressed.

2. Make an argued case why the use of pattern and principles would or would not have improved the design.

3. Identify any point in the design which would have implications for the implementation of the system.

4. Make an argued case whether the overall process would have been improved if it had been undertaken in a team environment.

Reference no: EM13914936

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