The concept of rapid, volatile, discontinuous change

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1379731 , Length: 1200 Words

Details of Assessment:

Length: 1200 words (Maximum)

You are asked to write and submit a short, scholarly essay, using an academic essay format, on the following topic:"Outline and discuss the concept of rapid, volatile, discontinuous change and its impact on the strategic management of organizations".

The purpose of this assignment is to help gain a deeper understanding of the nature, impact and implications for every organization of one of the most critical developments taking place globally in the strategic management discipline.

You are expected to draw a minimum of 6 peer reviewed or respected journal articles (e.g. Harvard Business Review) to underpin your arguments presents in the essay.

A suggested structure of your essay is as follows:

1. A brief overview of your key arguments and conclusions (50 words).

2. Introduction to the topic of your essay and what the essay will cover.

3. Body of essay

  • Outline the concept of rapid, volatile, discontinuous change
  • Discuss where this concept fits within the Strategic Management process
  • Outline and discuss model(s) used to assess the role, impacts and implications of rapid, volatile, discontinuous changefor an organization
  • Discuss how CEO's should respond to discontinuous change.
  • Consider the evidence about whether CEO's do respond appropriately to discontinuous change and if they do not respond appropriately, why not?

4. Conclusions and implications.

5. References (at least 6 scholarly references).

Some additional points to note for this assignment:

You are expected to consult academic journals and texts for material to support your discussion in this assignment. At least six (6) of these sources must be in your discussion and cited correctly within your text and in the references list. These sources should be additional to your prescribed text. Your reference list should be indicative of the sources you actually cite in presenting this assignment.

Reference no: EM1379731

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