The computer hacker behind cybercrime wave

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133149054



Read the following article or other related articles regarding the NetWare case and then answer the questions below:


Byron Acohido, "Meet A-Z: The computer hacker behind a cybercrime wave," USA TODAY, August 5, 2008.

Short Questions

1. From what country is A-Z believed to live?

2. From what country(ies) is(are) his accomplices?

3. From what country(ies) is(are) A-Z's victims?

4. What is the name of the software program that tracks a PC user's keystroke activity and alerts the cyber-gang each time the PC user logs into their bank account?

5. How much money did the A-Z scheme net in total?

6. Where was the computer server holding key instructions discovered?

Discussion Questions

1. Why is a threat such as the one allegedly perpetrated by A-Z so difficult to investigate and prosecute?

2. What are the means by which cybercriminals meet and agree to participate in such an activity?

3. Can society expect more or fewer crimes similar to that allegedly perpetrated by A-Z? Why?



Reference no: EM133149054

Questions Cloud

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The computer hacker behind cybercrime wave : Why is a threat such as the one allegedly perpetrated by A-Z so difficult to investigate and prosecute? How much money did the A-Z scheme net in total?
Preventive and detective controls are of complementary : Preventive and Detective controls are of complementary of each other, or they even work together in finding and preventing errors, inaccuracies, and fraud.
Article on capital allocation : Use the University of Arizona Global Campus Library to research an article on capital allocation; many articles are available in the library.
Find local professional organization affiliated : Find a local professional organization affiliated with your intended major and become a member of that organization or join their mailing list.
Unreasonable searches and seizures : The privacy of his messages was protected by the ban on "unreasonable searches and seizures" found in the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


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