Reference no: EM131014667
Included in the December 31, 2012, Jacobi Company balance sheet was the following shareholders' equity section:

The company engaged in the following stock transactions during 2013:

Prepare the following:
Jan 4
Dividends; Preferred $______________
Dividends;Common $______________
Cash $________________
Jan 5
Cash $_______________
Preferred Stock;$100 Par $______________
Additional Paid in Cap;Pref $______________
Jan 22
Cash $_______________
Common Stock;$5 Par $________________
Additional Paid in Cap;Common $________________
April 2
Cash $_____________
Treasury Stock $ ______________
Additional Paid in Cap;Treasury Stock $______________
May 14
REtained Earnings $_____________
Common Stock to Dist $_______________
Additional Paid in Cap;Stock Dividend $_______________
June 4
Retained Earnings $______________
Dividends Payable:Preffered $________________
June 29
Common Stock to Dist $_______________
Common Stock;$5 Par $ ________________
July 5
Dividends Payable;Preferred $_______________
Cash $_________________
August 3
Declare Dividend
Loss on Disposible Invest $_______________
Unreal.decrease in Value Avail for sale Sec $________________
Allow. for change in value of invest. $________________
Dividend Payable (Aug 3)
Retained Earnings$ __________________
Property Dividend Payable $_________________
Sept 14
Property Dividend Payable $_________________
Allow for change in value of invest $_________________
Investment in Drot Co. Stocks $_______________
Dec 3
Retained Earnings $__________________
Dividends Payable;Preferred $ _________________
Dividends Payable;Common $________________
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