The closer two genes are togetheron a chromsome

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM13528889

1. When does crossing overoccur?

A. interphase prior to meiosis
B.  prophase II of meiosis
C. Anytime at random during division
D. Anytie during the second meiotic division.
E. Prophase I of meiosis.

2. The closer two genes are togetheron a chromsome,

A. the more likely they are to be epistatic.
B. the less likely there will be a recombination event betweenthem.
C. the less likely they are to be good genetic markers.
D. the more likely there will be a recombination event betweenthem.
E. the greater the chance that a double crossover will occurbetween them.

3. In F2s resulting from atestcross, what percent of recombinant phenotypes is expected ifthe genes under study are independtly assorting?

A. 90
B. 35  
D. 2
E. there is no predictable percentage

Reference no: EM13528889

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