The class date was designed and implemented

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13876423

In Programming Exercise 2, the class Date was designed and implemented to keep track of a date, but it has very limited operations. Redefine the class date so that, it addition to the operations already defined, it can perform the following operation on a date:

a.  Set the month.

b.  Set the day.

c.  Set the year.

d.  Return the month.

e.  Return the day.

f.  Return the year.

g.  Test whether the year is a leap year.

h.  Return the number of days in the month. For example, if the date is 3-12-2015, the number of days to be returned is 31, because there are 31 days in March.

i.  Return the number of days passed in the year. For example, if the date is 3-18-2015, the number of days passed in the year is 77. Note that the number of days returned also includes the current day.

j.  Return the number of days remaining in the year. For example, if the date is 3-18-2015, the number of days remaining in the year is 288.

k.  Calculate the new date by adding a fixed number of days to the date. For example, if the date is 3-18-2015 and the days to be added are 25, the new date is 4-12-2015.

l.  Return a reference to the object containing a copy of the date.

m.  Make a copy of another date. Given a reference to an object containing a date, copy the data members of the object into the corresponding data members of this object.

n.  Write the definitions of the methods to implement the operations defined for the class Date.

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Reference no: EM13876423

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