The chemistry of love

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Reference no: EM13152423

“The Chemistry of Love” Is There Really a Chemistry of Love? Throughout history mankind has been trying to prove the existence of the romantic love that people endure and the way science plays an important role in the way that cupid’s dart is struck and people ineffectually fall in love. Although, I believe there are no magic love potions, science does play an important part in the way love is sparked into hearts around the world. If chemistry and love wasn’t attached then we would have never had the romance of Romeo and Juliet, together they had created the chemistry of love. The way chemistry is involved with love is by scientists believing that the weakness in the knees, the pounding of the hearts , the stuttering of words, the sweaty palms, and the way the feeling never ends but yet people want more is known as love and chemistry plays an important part of testosterone and estrogen on love. When two people are attracted to each other a virtual explosion of adrenaline-like Nero chemicals gush forth is created . Fireworks explode and we see stars. PEA or phenyl ethylamine is a chemical that speeds up the flow of information between nerve cells.

Reference no: EM13152423

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