The central idea of the developmental models

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Reference no: EM131100906

  1. The advantages of ___________ supervision include vicarious learning, exposure to a broader range of clients, and more diverse feedback.

    a. Distance.

    b. Triadic.

    c. Individual.

    d. None of the above.

Question 9

  1. The central idea of the developmental models of supervision is that:

    a. The supervisor moves back and forth between the role of counselor and teacher depending on the needs of the supervisee.

    b. There is attention paid to awareness of self and others, motivation toward the developmental process, and autonomy.

    c. Beginning supervisee may rely on the supervisor for helping to understand, diagnose, or explain client behavior, while an advanced supervisee may be more independent and seek consultation when necessary.

    d. People continuously grow and develop while progressing through a number of stages on the path toward clinical competence.

Question 10

  1. Which of the following is not one of the main goals of supervision?

    a. Enhance the skills and knowledge of the supervisee.

    b. Ensure the welfare of the supervisee's clients.

    c. Serve a gatekeeping function for the profession.

    d. Provide counseling for the supervisee.

Question 11

  1. All of these theorists could be associated with the psychoanalytic movement except:

    a. Freud.

    b. Jung.

    c. Adler.

    d. Wolpe.

Question 12

  1. Rogers's approach is characterized as a(n) __________ approach.

    a. Existential or humanistic.

    b. Cognitive.

    c. Gestalt.

    d. Adlerian.

Question 13

  1. Rogers viewed people as:

    a. Basically evil.

    b. Driven by instincts.

    c. A product of reinforcement.

    d. Positive when they develop in a warm, accepting, trusting environment.

Question 14

  1. __________ is/are a particular concern(s) of cognitive and cognitive-behavioral therapies.

    a. Gathering information on the family constellation and client's earliest memories.

    b. The impact of thinking on personality.

    c. Modifying the developed defenses and internalized self and object-representations.

    d. Freedom and responsibility.

Question 15

  1. Disputing irrational beliefs is a specific factor in:

    a. Interpersonal therapy (IPT).

    b. Psychoanalysis.

    c. Rational emotive behavior therapy.

    d. Gestalt therapy.

Question 16

  1. According to the existentialist Rollo May, anxiety:

    a. Is a pathological neurosis.

    b. Can be harmful to growth.

    c. Can be healthy and motivational.

    d. Should be reduced.

Question 17

  1. The ABCDEs of REBT include:

    a. Activating event, belief, consequence, dispute, and evaluation.

    b. Action, belief, communication, denial, and evaluation.

    c. Activating event, belief, communication, dispute, and evaluation.

    d. Action, belief, consequence, dispute, and evaluation.

Question 18

  1. The genogram is often used in __________ theory.

    a. Narrative.

    b. Psychoanalytic.

    c. Feminist.

Question 19

  1. Generativity refers to:

    a. Contributions to the future made by those in middle adulthood.

    b. Compiling goals for future generations.

    c. The lack of growth that occurs during middle adulthood.

    d. A sense of accomplishment felt during late adulthood.

Question 20

  1. The need for gerontological counseling is a more pressing issue today than in the past because:

    a. The elderly can now afford more help.

    b. People have better medical plans that cover counseling.

    c. The elderly are showing more signs of mental decay.

    d. People are living longer than ever before.

Question 21

  1. In contrast to formative evaluation, summative evaluation is:

    a. Collected at a specific endpoint in an evaluation process.

    b. Collected at intervals throughout the implementation of the program.

    c. More appropriate for first year counselors to implement.

    d. More effective in determining counseling program changes.

Question 22

  1. A student's achievement test score was ranked at the 61st percentile. This means that the student:

    a. Was outperformed by 61% of age-mates.

    b. Outperformed 61% of age-mates.

    c. Outperformed 60 of his age-mates.

    d. Was outperformed by 60 of his age-mates

Question 23

  1. A value-added assessment answers the question:

    a. What value does the counselor add to the program interventions?

    b. What value does the counseling service add to the student/client?

    c. What value does the counseling service add to the student/client's performance?

    d. How can value be added to the intervention or program?

Question 24

  1. Accountability in counseling answers the question:

    a. How many hours did you spend doing classroom guidance this year?

    b. How are clients different as a result of the services provided by professional counselors?

    c. What is a comprehensive developmental school counseling program?

    d. What will every student know and be able to do?

Question 25

  1. Disaggregated means:

    a. Data can be analyzed by looking at differences among groups.

    b. Results in the outcomes study do not meet the expected results.

    c. Stakeholders found many priorities differing from those of the professional counselor.

    d. All of the above.

Question 26

  1. Which of the following statements is true about outcome research on adult outcomes of counseling?

    a. There has been less research conducted for adults.

    b. The outcome research on adults is far more convincing than that available for children or adolescents.

    c. The outcome research on adults is about the same as that on children and adolescents.

    d. None of the above.

Question 27

  1. Which of the following is true about the use of theory in counseling?

    a. Research supports the increased efficacy of certain theoretical approaches with specific mental health conditions.

    b. Some counseling interventions are proven to be more effective than others.

    c. Counseling interventions with psychodynamic roots are more effective than others.

    d. None of the above.

Question 28

  1. Which individual counseling approach was most effective in addressing aggressive behavior?

    a. Cognitive.

    b. Psychoanalytic.

    c. Behavioral.

    d. None of the above is effective in addressing aggressive behavior.

Question 29

  1. Counseling occurs over a series of stages that includes information gathering, application to theory, __________, and termination.

    a. Treatment assessment.

    b. Establishing rapport.

    c. Creating a warm environment.

    d. Professionalism.

Question 30

  1. Techniques and interventions are how professional counselors counsel, but __________ drives the choices made by the counselor.

    a. Theoretical orientation.

    b. Structure.

    c. Treatment efficacy.

    d. None of the above.

Question 31

  1. During the __________ phase, the process of counseling is defined and a plan for working together is formed.

    a. Initiating counseling.

    b. Exploring counseling.

    c. Rapport building.

    d. Screening.

Question 32

  1. An intake interview includes a:

    a. Medical history.

    b. General overview for the reason for seeking counseling.

    c. Assessment of level of education.

    d. All of the above.

Question 33

  1. A question with an answer already embedded in it is called a:

    a. Why question.

    b. Closed question.

    c. Leading question.

    d. Open question.

Question 34

  1. "I am still in shock that my husband is having an affair. I really can't believe it. I thought we had the perfect marriage. How could I have been so stupid to not see this was happening? I feel like such a fool." Based on this scenario from the text, choose the option that is not an example of an effective paraphrase.

    a. You're upset with yourself for not recognizing that something was amiss in your marriage. Is that right?

    b. You feel like a fool because you thought you had a perfect marriage.

    c. It's difficult for you to come to terms with your husband's infidelity, especially because you were under the impression that everything was fine.

    d. All of the above are examples of effective paraphrases.

Question 35

  1. "I don't know what to do with my life. I hate my job and everything seems so meaningless. I can barely muster the energy to get out of bed in the morning. Sometimes I just want to sleep for days." Based on this scenario from the text, which of the following is the most effective paraphrase:

    a. You are having trouble finding a worthwhile reason to get up and going each day, in particular because you are unhappy with your career and are unsure what direction your life should take. Does that sound correct?

    b. You can barely muster the energy to get out of bed in the morning. Is that right?

    c. You don't know what to do with your life, and you hate your job, which makes you want to sleep for days.

    d. All of the above.

Question 36

  1. "I can't believe what my father did. He stole all the money from the trust fund grandmother had willed to my brother and me. I have been calling him day and night, and he will not return my calls. I might have to get a lawyer, but I don't know how I am going to afford it. Why would he do this to us?" Based on this scenario from the text, the following is not a feeling you would identify in the client:

    a. Betrayal.

    b. Vengefulness.

    c. Hurt.

    d. Confusion.

Question 37

  1. The counselor's appropriate eye contact, tone of voice, and body position refer to the specific set of microskills known as:

    a. Empathy.

    b. Attending behaviors.

    c. Reflection of feelings.

    d. Rapport.

Question 38

  1. A common mistake when attempting to paraphrase is to simply restate the client's exact words, referred to as:

    a. Parroting.

    b. Imitation.

    c. Immediacy.

    d. Mirroring.

Question 39

  1. Joan: (whose recently failed a drug test) "I feel so bad about what happened. I know my employer and my family are disappointed in me. I just want to hide my head in the sand." Counselor: "You believe you have let your family and employer down and that they have lost their trust in you." The skill the counselor just used with Joan is called:

    a. Summary.

    b. Reflection of meaning.

    c. Reflection of feeling.

    d. Open question.

Question 40

  1. Treatment plans should:

    a. Be formulated by the counselor and presented to the client.

    b. Take into account the client's level of motivation for change.

    c. Only be done with clients who are ready for action.

    d. Only be done in clinical mental health settings.

Question 41

  1. Informed consent is important to assessment and treatment planning because:

    a. Clients should know the limits to confidentiality before being asked to disclose information.

    b. The underlying ethical principle of autonomy relates to the clients' right to make their own choices about treatment.

    c. Both of the above.

    d. None of the above.

Question 42

  1. Comprehensive treatment plans should include all of the following except:

    a. Doctor's notes.

    b. Goals.

    c. Objectives.

    d. Interventions.

Question 43

  1. Clients who are thinking about the benefits of change, but are not ready to make the commitment are in the _________ stage.

    a. Precontemplation.

    b. Contemplation.

    c. Preparation.

    d. Maintenance.

Question 44

  1. When a client projects feelings toward the professional counselor that he or she originally had toward a significant other, it is called:

    a. Free association.

    b. Insight.

    c. Transference.

    d. Countertransference.

Question 45

  1. Existentialists focus primarily on:

    a. The teenage years.

    b. Client's perception in the here and now.

    c. Childhood traumas.

    d. Uplifting childhood memories.

Question 46

  1. Gestalt theory was developed by:

    a. Sigmund Freud.

    b. Fritz Pearls.

    c. Carl Rogers.

    d. Albert Ellis.

Question 47

  1. Personal constructs are defined as:

    a. Personal relationships.

    b. Self-beliefs.

    c. Counselor's personal view of the client's issue.

    d. Distorted beliefs.

Question 48

  1. _____________is not a theme in Feminist counseling.

    a. Egalitarianism.

    b. Empowerment.

    c. Androgyny.

    d. Differentiation of power in the counseling relationship.

Reference no: EM131100906

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