The calculator should display the amount of commission

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13760147

Write a JavaTM application using NetBeansTM Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or jGROUP IDE that calculates the total annual compensation of a salesperson.

Consider the following factors:

The calculator should allow user to enter the amount of sales.

The calculator should allow user to select the percent of commission rate from a list of pre-defined commission rate.

The 5 choices in the list are:

• <2%>

• <4%>

• <6%>

• <10%>

• <15%>

The calculator should display the amount of commission (in dollars), based on the amount of sales entered and the commission rate selected and the total annual compensation.

The JavaTM application should meet these technical requirements:

The application should have at least one additional method, in addition to the application's controlling class (a controlling class is where the main function resides).

There should be proper documentation in the source code.

You do not need to create a GUI for this program.

Reference no: EM13760147

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