Reference no: EM132706677
Activity 1 - The Business Model Canvas Directions:
Read and analyze the blog and check
Complete the requirements below and submit your work in the pigeon boxes which are provided in your departments/college, or to Google class on or before the date as reflected in your study schedule. Click this link use-of-business-models-the business-model-canvas/. if every customer segment is linked to a value proposition and a revenue stream. Make sure everything on the left side of the canvas is needed to support the right side of the canvas. Answers the questions and rank your business model's performance from 1 to 10 (0: bad, 10: excellent) for each of the following questions and use the space below for your answer. See attach rubrics in the Google class or you may access on your module on page____.
1. How much does switching costs prevent your customers from churning?
2. How scalable is your business model?
3. Does your business model produce recurring revenues?
4. Do you earn before you spend?
5. How much of the work can be done by others?
6. Does your business model provide built-in protection from competition?
7. On what cost structure is your business model based?
Activity 2 - Visualizing model canvas
Directions: Complete the requirements below and submit your work in the pigeon boxes which are provided in your departments/college, or to Google class on or before the date as reflected in your study schedule. See attach rubrics in the Google class or you may access on your module on page____. Visualize your business model base on the given instruction. Take a snapshot picture of any established business model canvas and discuss the model. Filter out the design criteria and test your assumptions. Click the links for your reference.; ·; ·
Use the space for your writing. Use the space below as your draft.