The bill of rights was ratified in 1781

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Reference no: EM131995081

Final Study Questions: History 7A: Summer 2018

True or False: Questions are taken from chapters 6 to 15.

Some will be eliminated.

1. During the 1780s, abolitionist sentiment spread.

2. Studies of divorce patterns in Connecticut and Pennsylvania show that after 1773 women divorced on about the same terms as men.

3. In 1790, the Missouri legislature explicitly allowed women who owned property to vote.

4. The Articles of Confederation denied Congress the power of taxation.

5. The Northwest Ordinance provided a source of income for the Articles of Confederation government.

6. Shay's Rebellion shattered the peace of western New York in 1788.

7. The Constitution created a Supreme Court with a chief justice and nine associated justices.

8. John Jay, Thomas Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison wrote the Federalist Papers to win support for the ratification of the U.S. Constitution.

9. The Bill of Rights was ratified in 1781.

10. The differing philosophies of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton provide insight into the birth and development of political parties.

11. Thomas Jefferson believed that the strength of the American economy lay not in its industrial potential but in its agricultural productivity.

12. John C. Calhoun in his second report to Congress proposed a Bank of the United States.

13. At the Battle of Fallen Timbers, General Samuel Houston crushed Indian resistance in the Northwest Territory

14. Nearly 50 rebels were executed after the failure of the Whiskey Rebellion in 1792l

15. George Washington, in his farewell address, warned against making permanent alliances with distant nations that had no real interest in promoting American security.

16. Russia agreed to stop searching American vessels on the high seas for contraband as part of Jay's Treaty of 1790.

17. The Alien Law of 1798 established an eight year probationary period before foreigners could apply for full U.S. citizenship.

18. Approximately 30% of the 35,240,000 people counted in the 1810 census were black.

19. Thomas Jefferson was considered to be one of the great public speakers of his era.

20. Americans were able to buy the entire Louisiana Territory for 450 million dollars.

21. The Barbary War lasted for seven years.

22. The Battle of New Orleans took place after the diplomats in Europe had finished their peace negotiations.

23. Robert Fulton sailed the first American steamship up the Columbia River in 1848.

24. The United States bought the territory known as the Louisiana Purchase from France.

25. The Marbury v Madison case served as an important precedent for judicial review of federal statutes.

26. John Marshall horrified Americans when he killed Supreme Court Justice Henry Knox in a duel.

27. In an annual message send to Congress in December 1806, Jefferson urged the representatives to prepare legislation outlawing the slave trade.

28. On August 24, 1814 a small force of British marines burned the U.S. capital.

29. Credit for the Erie Canal belongs to New York's governor, Aaron Burr who successfully convinced the state legislature that the project could be successfully funded by issuing bonds.

30. In 1815, most manufacturing in the United States was still carried on in households, in the workshops of skilled artisans, or in small mills.

31. In 1800, there were twelve American cities with populations above 100,000.

32. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 kept the balance of power in the Senate by admitting Texas as a slave state and California as a free state.

33. Andrew Jackson's marriage was a major issue in the 1804 presidential election.

34. Andrew Jackson asserted that the Federal Government was supreme over the states and that the Union was indivisible during the nullification crisis of the early 1830s.

35. In 1832, Andrew Jackson agreed with John Marshall's support of the Supreme Court decision (Worcester v Georgia) that denied the right of a state to extend its jurisdiction over tribal lands.

36. During the Trial of Tears of 1838, about 4,000 Indians died on the way.

37. America's second party system came of age in the election of 1800.

38. In 1860, about 80% of white Southerners belonged to families owning slaves.

39. About 60 % of slaves in the South worked in industry in the South.

40. Most slaves encountered Christianity in a church setting.

41. The typical fugitive slave was a young, unmarried male from the upper South

42. After 1830, Southerners became less tolerant of free blacks.

43. The interstate slave trade sent an estimated three to four thousand slaves in a southwesterly direction between 1815 and 1860.

44. In their Declaration of Sentiments, the participants in the Seneca Convention of 1848 demanded the right to vote.

45. Per capita annual consumption of distilled beverages in the 1820's was about half of what it is today.

46. Roger Taney launched the antislavery journal The Liberator in 1831.

47. By 1827, Mexican settlements in present day New Mexico contained about three hundred thousand people.

48. In 18550, the Mexican legislature prohibited further American immigration and importation of slaves to Texas.

49. Davy Crockett became the first president of the Texas Republic.

50. Over 15,000 Americans died at the Battle of the Alamo.

51. Joseph Smith arrived in Utah and sent back word that he had found the promised land for the Mormon people.

52. The Mexican American War lasted about seven years.

53. The Mormon leader, Daniel Webster, was killed by a mob while being held in jail in Carthage, Illinois.

54. The Wilmot Proviso of 1848 would have opened all land obtained from Mexico to slavery.

55. Representative Charles Sumner battered John C. Calhoun with a cane in 1856.

56. The Fugitive Slave Law made it more difficult for slaveholders to recapture escaped slaves.

57. The Democratic Party developed in the 1830s.

58. Uncle Tom's Cabin sold 20,000 copies in a single year.

59. During the ante-bellum period, Southerners encouraged the use of proslavery textbooks.

60. The Dred Scott case reinforced the Compromise of 1850.

61. Harriet Beecher Stowe was the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

62. John Brown was executed after his raid on Harper's Ferry.

63. In the Dred Scott case of 1857, Supreme Court Justice John Jay made several rulings.

64. The Lecompton Constitution of Kansas supported slavery.

65. Texas was the first state to leave the union.

66. Abraham Lincoln was nominated for president by the Republicans because he had a more moderate position on slavery than front-runner William H. Seward.

67. All of the twenty slave-holding states joined the Confederacy.

68. The South had less railroads tracks than the North in 1861.

69. Jefferson Davis proved a more effective war leader than Lincoln.

70. The Union army won the battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia on December 2, 1862.

71. The Confederates fired on Fort Sumter in Florida on June 6, 1861.

72. The Southern economy was more adaptable to the needs of a total war.

73. At the beginning of the Civil War, Britain and France depended on the South for one tenth of their cotton supply.

74. The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 freed all slaves in the continental United States.

75. Although popular with Democrats, emancipation was viewed by most Republicans a betrayal of northern war aims.

76. Almost 6,000,000 African-Americans eventually served in the Union armed forces.

Identification Questions: Be prepared to write short paragraphs describing who, what, and when about the following topics. Some will be eliminated.

Bill of Rights

President George Washington

The Alien and Sedition Acts

James Madison

Lewis and Clark

Alexander Hamilton

Thomas Jefferson

War of 1812

Dred Scott (Supreme Court case)

Mexican-American War

Andrew Jackson

Louisiana Purchase

Cherokee Removal

Sam Houston

Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Compromise of 1850

Ulysses S. Grant

Abraham Lincoln

Election of 1860

Emancipation Proclamation

Reference no: EM131995081

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