The basics of organizing training programs

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Reference no: EM133006359

The Basics of Organizing Training Programs.Rephrase

and Summarize the following paragraph without changing its meaning. Then create 2 questions along with multiple answers ( include the right answer for each question) to test the audience's understanding of the paragraph:

" Choosing an appropriate format for training program

Choosing the right format is important because embedded in the choice is a series of expectations about the material and how it is presented. Take literature, for example. Dramas present people at their most serious; comedies present people at their most humorous; thrillers present mysteries. Dramas that lack tension, comedies that lack humor, and thrillers that seem obvious disappoint readers. In other words, readers bring expectations to different genres of literature.

Similarly, workers bring expectations to training and other informational materials used in the workplace. Workers develop these expectations through repeated exposure to different types of materials. They notice similar characteristics among materials from different sources and, as a result, develop expectations for each type of material. For training and other informational materials, these expectations pertain to:

  • Type of material available:Different types of training and informational materials present different types of content. A training program develops skills, so it usually presents background concepts and procedures along with explanations of individual steps and demonstrations of a task, and provides learners with opportunities to practice the task and receive feedback. In contrast, a user's guide provides instructions without opportunities to practice. A reference manual provides in-depth explanations without necessarily describing background concepts or procedures for application.
  • Structure or format of the information:Different types of training and informational materials follow different structures. A training program usually starts with an overview of the program and logistical information, and closes with a test or assessment and a course evaluation. A user's guide states the purpose of a procedure, lists the materials needed to perform it, then jumps right into the description of the procedure, and ends when the procedure is complete. A reference manual, such as an encyclopedia, follows an alphabetical structure.
  • Writing (communication) style:Different formats use different communication styles. A training program typically adopts a supportive style. A user's guide might be more direct. A reference manual might present material in a shorthand notation only understood by experts with training.
  • Other expectations:Additional expectations that learners bring to a format and that designers need to address.

All of these expectations are implicit; workers do not even realize they have them. Furthermore, these expectations are like hygiene; workers notice the absence of something they expect in materials, rather than the presence of an expected characteristic. So designers need to consciously consider these expectations when designing training and informational materials."

Reference no: EM133006359

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