The art of controversy

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Reference no: EM131494974

Write in your own words (quotes are okay) a shortened version of Arthur Schopenhauer's The Art of Controversy (available online). Cover all three sections, simplify the language, skip redundancies, and reorganize as necessary. Make sure to address the following topics:

(1) the difference between (and history of) the terms "logic" and "dialectic,"

(2) the reasons why it is important to learn about dialectic,

(3) the general ways to "attack" any argument.

In addition, also (4) define three of the stratagems and provide an illustration of your own for each. The paper should be less than five pages (double spaced, size 12 font).

The Art of Controversy : Translated by Thomas Bailey Saunders and Edited by Axel Wendelberger

Reference no: EM131494974

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