The applications of the important components dealing

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132011882

This first course assignment has you demonstrate the applications of the important components dealing with business management.

In this assignment, explain the importance of planning, organization, staffing, directing, and controlling for effective business management.

Share your own experiences tied to management skills, principles, and strategies you have implemented that have or have not worked in your past or current careers.

If you do not have any experience tied to management skills, address what you like to see in managers who you have worked for in the past.

Your essay submission must be at least two pages in length.

You are required to use at least one outside source to support your explanation.

Your essay response should be formatted in accordance with APA style.

Reference no: EM132011882

Questions Cloud

What is the impact on price-quantity and total revenue : What is the impact on price, quantity and total revenue when supply decreases by the same amount along an elastic demand curve?
Impact on the market price and quantity of new houses : If demand of new housing has continually increased together with the number of new houses built, what is the impact on the market price and quantity
Analyze a corporation external and internal environment : Analyze a corporation External and Internal environment. Once the analysis is complete you should provide evidence-based suggestions leadership .
What are the elements of critical thinking : Explain at least five elements of critical thinking that you found in the reading material. Search the Internet, media, or the Ashford University Library.
The applications of the important components dealing : This first course assignment has you demonstrate the applications of the important components dealing with business management.
Programming in the first year of employment : Assuming 176 hours per month and an 8 hour day, what is the true hourly cost of this trainee to the company for every hour actually spent programming.
What you will be doing to make sure you learn the objective : Given their importance, you need to make sure you select the right objectives and that they are drafted in a way that is specific enough to be meaningful.
Analyze an increase in second-period income : Use Fisher's model of consumption to analyze an increase in second-period income.
Long-run macroeconomic equilibrium with an unemployment rate : An economy is in long-run macroeconomic equilibrium with an unemployment rate of 5% when the government passes a law requiring the central bank


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