The american red cross merging with another agency

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Reference no: EM1328645

Some of the arguments for are that with merging, "weaker" nonprofit organizations can benefit from a stronger well run organization and thereby cut costs and provide more efficient services. Those who are opposed to mergers say that the specific missions of many smaller, or not as large, nonprofits can be lost when merging with another nonprofit. They say in the end, it is the clients who do not win, as then central point for the organization being around does not survive when it is "swallowed" by a larger nonprofit.

In order for a merger to succeed, experts say it must be a win-win for both sides.

1. What do you think would need to happen for a merger to be a win-win?

2. Can you think of the American Red Cross merging with another agency?

3. If not, why not and If so, what would the steps be that you would take to ensure its success?

4. Are there other models that encourage collaboration that you're aware of? And do they work?

Reference no: EM1328645

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