The american psychological association

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Reference no: EM131501940 , Length: 3

As discusse:

As a prerequisite to attending Masters Leaders Course, you will be required to prepare a paper written in the American Psychological Association (APA) writing format for class.

a. The subject of your paper must be related to your personal experiences with one of the following subjects: leadership, operations, or management.

Follow the general guidelines of an APA essay-style paper format with the following modifications:

Title page is centered from top to bottom and left to right. Paper will contain a Running head and page numbers. No abstract page.

Five-paragraph paper with the following one-level headings:

1. Introduction

2. Supporting Topic One

3. Supporting Topic two

4. Supporting Topic Three

5. Conclusion

Minimum of at least three references.

REMOVE all hyperlinks

The paper will be a Microsoft Word document, between 2 and 3 pages in length (do not exceed 3 pages), doubled-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, with 1 inch margins, left justified and ragged right edges.

Send all pages saved as one document with the following naming convention: Last name, title of paper. Do not scan into PDF format.

Reference no: EM131501940

Questions Cloud

Find at least one accounting and one non-accounting job ad : Find at least one accounting and one non-accounting job ad (total of two ads). Analyze the effects of transactions is necessary to be successful.
Discuss role that strategic marketing play in organisation : Discuss the role that strategic marketing may play in an organisation, explaining the processes involved in strategic marketing as you do this
Describe the role of federal taxes and the state of economy : describe the role of federal taxes, the state of the economy, and financial market outlook plays in short-term business decisions.
Explain the term social institution : Explain the term social institution.Which empirical and speculative theories are most applicable when applied to organized crime and criminal behavior?
The american psychological association : Prepare a paper written in the American Psychological Association .
Analyze the most important step in the conversion process : Analyze the key advantages and disadvantages of automating a manual accounting system. Identify the most important step in the conversion process.
Provide basic and diluted earnings per share calculation : Intermediate corp. has asked for your assistance with their earnings per share calculation. Provide basic and diluted earnings per share calculation.
What is the national response framework : What is the National Response Framework ?What are the roles of this organization, and what is its connection to the National Response Framework? Explain.
The privatization of prisons : What is your personal stance on the privatization of prisons versus traditional government-run facilities?


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