The aicpa remains a valuable organization

Assignment Help Accounting Basics
Reference no: EM13924191

Question 1. Independent professional services that are provided on financial or other information that improve the quality of decision making are known as

internal auditing.
financial auditing.
assurance services.
attestation services.

Question 2. The objective of an operational audit is to

evaluate whether laws have been broken by management.
evaluate fairness of presentation of financial statements.
evaluate compliances with company rules and regulations.
evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency with which resources are employed.

Question 3. The AICPA remains a valuable organization because of its continuing involvement in

the audit standard setting process.
regulation and enforcement of the audit profession.
education and administration of the CPA exam.
promulgation of accounting standards.

Question 4. The auditor of financial statements must make very difficult interpretations regarding authoritative literature. Additionally, the auditor must

consider whether the application of a generally accepted accounting principle best portrays the economic activity of the company.
force management to make certain decisions regarding their financial statements.
disregard independence in order to find the underlying truth of the evidence.
establish new criteria by which financial statements may be compared.

Question 5. CPAs are licensed by the

state's board of accountancy.
state's society of CPAs.

Question 6. The criteria against which the auditor measures the fairness of financial statement presentation are known as

auditing standards.
generally accepted accounting principles.
generally accepted accounting standards.
governmental accounting principles.

Question 7. The audit committee of the board of directors of a company is responsible for

hiring the auditor.
preparing the financial statements.
the audit workpapers.
independence and obtaining evidence.

Question 8. What is the criteria used in an operational audit?

effectiveness and efficiency.
rules and regulations.
company policies.

Question 9. As it relates to an audit, materiality is

not taken into consideration.
related only to the sufficiency of procedures performed.
based upon audit fees.
determined based upon the importance to a user of the financial statements.

Question 10. Auditing is important in a free market society because

the public requires CPAs functioning as divisions of regulatory bodies.
auditors detect all errors and fraud made by company employees.
it provides reliable information based upon which to judge economic performance.
the auditor is an amiable insurance policy for investors.

Question 11. Section 304 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires executives to forfeit any bonus or incentive-based pay or profits (including stock options) from the sale of stock received in the twelve months prior to an earnings restatement. This is often referred to as:

claw back provision
give back provision
restatement provision
fraud provision

Question 12. The AICPA is an organization that is

historically self-regulated.
regulated by the federal government.
regulated the state governments.
a new organization established by an act of congress in 2002.

Question 13. A proper system of corporate governance is one that demands

decision making by auditors in place of management.
accountability back through the system to the shareholders.
internal audit representation on the board of directors.
audit planning to obtain competent and sufficient audit evidence.

Question 14. The organization that will continue to set auditing standards for firms auditing private companies is the


Question 15. Which of the following are the CEO and CFO of a public company prohibited from performing under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002?

Certification of financial statements
Disclosure of off-balance sheet transactions
Reporting on internal control over financial reporting
Selecting the external auditors

Question 16. The responsibility for operating an enterprise is delegated to the:

audit committee.
board of directors.

Question 17. According to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, how often must audit managers and partners rotate off an engagement of a public company?

Each busy season
When independence is in question
Every five years
Managers and partners are not required to rotate off of public client engagements

Question 18. The audit client of the CPA firm is:

the SEC.
the audit committee.
the stockholders.

Question 19. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 requires which of the following?

Only the largest four accounting firms may audit public companies.
Smaller public companies that cannot afford to become compliant with the act must delist and become pink sheet companies.
All publicly held companies will provide a report on internal control over financial reporting.
Chief financial officers of public companies must be CPAs.

Question 20. Which one of the following will provide auditing standards of public companies?


Question 21. Information about a client that cannot be subpoenaed by a court of law is referred to as what type of information?

confidential information.
privileged communication.
contingent information.
audit communication

Question 22. An auditor that has an attitude that includes a questioning mind and a critical assessment of audit evidence is considered which of the following?

Professionally Skeptical.
Professionally Independent.
Professionally Competent.
Professionally Efficient.

Question 23. A CPA firm is considered independent when it performs which of the following services for a publicly traded audit client?

Serving as a member of the client's board of directors.
Determining which accounting policies will be adopted by the client as approved by the board of directors.
Accounting information system design and implementation as approved by the board of directors.
Tax return preparation as approved by the board of directors.

Question 24. The AICPA Principles of Professional Conduct include which of the following?

public interest, objectivity and independence.
due professional care and supervision.
scope and nature of services and adequate training.
integrity and confidentiality

Question 25. Which of the following is included in the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct?

Principles, Rules of Conduct and Ethics Rulings.
Rules of Conduct, Interpretations and Principles.
Principles, Rules of Conduct and Ethics Rulings.
Principles, Rules of Conduct, Interpretations and Ethics Rulings.

Question 26. In determining the types of activities, engagements and interactions an auditor should have with a client, the CPA and the audit firm must do which of the following?

only assess the relationships of clients that pay audit fees that are material to their firm.
assess all of their relationships with every client to ensure that independence is intact.
focus on client satisfaction above all other considerations.
realize that ethics are only guidelines and a matter of personal judgment.

Question 27. Mark Pulley is an auditor at Pulley and Hurst, LLC. If Pulley's five-year-old daughter owns shares of stock in McBurgers Corporation, then Pulley is considered to have what type of interest in McBurgers Corporation?

immaterial indirect interest in McBurgers Corporation.
material indirect interest in the McBurgers Corporation.
a loophole for claiming independence from McBurgers Corporation.
direct interest in McBurgers Corporation.

Question 28. Independence is not required for which of the following types of services?


Question 29. Which one of the following is an example of a conflict of interest for a CPA?

performing tax services and a compilation engagement for a client
serving as legal counsel and an auditor for a client
providing an audit on internal financial controls and financial statements for a client
being employed as a chief financial officer while serving as a member of the board of directors for the same company

Question 30. William Tyler, CPA, may not accept a commission for recommending a product or service to which type of client?

a tax client.
an attestation client.
a financial-planning client.

a management-services client.


Question 1 . Users can reasonably expect audited financial statements to be

complete and contain all important financial disclosures, be free from material misstatements and be presented fairly according to GAAS.
complete and contain all important financial disclosures, be free from material misstatements and be presented fairly according to GAAP.
complete, be accurate and be presented fairly according to GAAP.
complete and contain all important financial disclosures, be free from all misstatements and be presented fairly according to the substance of GAAS

Question 2 . What is the criteria used in an operational audit?

effectiveness and efficiency.
rules and regulations.
company policies

Question 3. The primary governing board that performs quality reviews on registered CPA firms that audit public companies is the


Question 4. Congress authorized which of the following organizations to establish generally accepted accounting principles for public companies?


Question 5 . As it relates to an audit, materiality is

not taken into consideration.
related only to the sufficiency of procedures performed.
based upon audit fees.
determined based upon the importance to a user of the financial statements

Question 6. Auditing is important in a free market society because

the public requires CPAs functioning as divisions of regulatory bodies.
auditors detect all errors and fraud made by company employees.
it provides reliable information based upon which to judge economic performance.
the auditor is an amiable insurance policy for investors.

Question 7. An expectation of the public is that the auditor will recognize that the primary users of audit assurance are

the clients.
the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
members of management.
third-party users.

Question 8. An audit which has as its purpose the evaluation of the economy and efficiency with which resources are employed is known as a(n)]

financial audit.
compliance audit.
operational audit.
governmental audit

Question 9. Independent professional services that are provided on financial or other information that improve the quality of decision making are known as

internal auditing.
financial auditing.
assurance services.
attestation services.

Question 10. The objective of an operational audit is to

evaluate whether laws have been broken by management.
evaluate fairness of presentation of financial statements.
evaluate compliances with company rules and regulations.
evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency with which resources are employed

Question 11.An audit committee must be comprised of outside directors and at least one outside financial expert. Which of the following is considered an outside director?

A director who is not a member of management and has no other relationship to the organization.
A consultant to the organization who works as an honorary member of the board.
A director who is also a member of management and has no other relationship to the company.
A director who is a CPA and CIO of an affiliated organization

Question 12. Which of the following are the CEO and CFO of a public company prohibited from performing under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002?

Certification of financial statements
Disclosure of off-balance sheet transactions
Reporting on internal control over financial reporting
Selecting the external auditors

Question 13 . The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 requires which of the following?

Only the largest four accounting firms may audit public companies.
Smaller public companies that cannot afford to become compliant with the act must delist and become pink sheet companies.
All publicly held companies will provide a report on internal control over financial reporting.
Chief financial officers of public companies must be CPAs

Question 14. Which one of the following will provide auditing standards of public companies?


Question 15. Audit committees are required to have what person in its composition?

A public regulator
A financial expert
An attorney-at-law

Question 16. The audit client of the CPA firm is:

the SEC.
the audit committee.
the stockholders

Question 17. Section 304 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires executives to forfeit any bonus or incentive-based pay or profits (including stock options) from the sale of stock received in the twelve months prior to an earnings restatement. This is often referred to as:

claw back provision
give back provision
restatement provision
fraud provision

Question 18. The organization that will continue to set auditing standards for firms auditing private companies is the


Question 19. The AICPA is an organization that is

historically self-regulated.
regulated by the federal government.
regulated the state governments.
a new organization established by an act of congress in 2002.

Question 20. A proper system of corporate governance is one that demands

decision making by auditors in place of management.
accountability back through the system to the shareholders.
internal audit representation on the board of directors.
audit planning to obtain competent and sufficient audit evidence

Question 21. Independence is not required for which of the following types of services?


Question 22. The AICPA Principles of Professional Conduct include which of the following?

public interest, objectivity and independence.
due professional care and supervision.
scope and nature of services and adequate training.
integrity and confidentiality

Question 23. Which of the following describes a situation in which moral duties or obligations conflict and one action is not necessarily the correct action?

an ethical dilemma.
an ethical problem.
an ethical theory.
an ethical solution

Question 24. Mark Pulley is an auditor at Pulley and Hurst, LLC. If Pulley's five-year-old daughter owns shares of stock in McBurgers Corporation, then Pulley is considered to have what type of interest in McBurgers Corporation?

immaterial indirect interest in McBurgers Corporation.
material indirect interest in the McBurgers Corporation.
a loophole for claiming independence from McBurgers Corporation.
direct interest in McBurgers Corporation.

Question 25. Which of the following describes a situation in which an individual is morally or ethically required to do something that conflicts with his or her immediate self-interest?

an ethical dilemma.
an ethical problem.
an ethical theory.
an ethical solution.

Question 26. A CPA may only practice public accounting in which of the following forms?

a partnership.
a professional corporation.
a sole proprietorship.
an organization permitted by state law or regulation

Question 27. Which of the following represents a situation in which an auditor is independent of the client?

The auditor is paid by the client organization rather than the SEC.
The auditor takes a personal loan from the president of the company.
The auditor's dependent son holds 25 shares of the client's common stock.
The auditor has not received payment for the previous audit services

Question 28. William Tyler, CPA, may not accept a commission for recommending a product or service to which type of client?

a tax client.
an attestation client.
a financial-planning client.
a management-services client

Question 29. An auditor that has an attitude that includes a questioning mind and a critical assessment of audit evidence is considered which of the following?

Professionally Skeptical.
Professionally Independent.
Professionally Competent.
Professionally Efficient.

Question 30. Which of the following is included in the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct?

Principles, Rules of Conduct and Ethics Rulings.
Rules of Conduct, Interpretations and Principles.
Principles, Rules of Conduct and Ethics Rulings.

Principles, Rules of Conduct, Interpretations and Ethics Rulings


Question 1. Congress authorized which of the following organizations to establish generally accepted accounting principles for public companies?


Question 2. The audit agency for the U. S. Congress is the


Question 3. The primary governing board that performs quality reviews on registered CPA firms that audit public companies is the


Question 4. The auditor of financial statements must make very difficult interpretations regarding authoritative literature. Additionally, the auditor must

consider whether the application of a generally accepted accounting principle best portrays the economic activity of the company.
force management to make certain decisions regarding their financial statements.
disregard independence in order to find the underlying truth of the evidence.
establish new criteria by which financial statements may be compared.

Question 5. As it relates to an audit, materiality is

not taken into consideration.
related only to the sufficiency of procedures performed.
based upon audit fees.
determined based upon the importance to a user of the financial statements

Question 6. Which of the following services is the broadest and most inclusive?


Question 7. CPAs are licensed by the

state's board of accountancy.
state's society of CPAs.

Question 8. CPA firms performing public financial statement audits must

register with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
register with the Institute of Auditors.
register with the U.S. General Accounting Office.
register with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board

Question 9. The organization that issued the Internal Control, Integrated Framework which serves as the primary criterion for evaluating the quality of a company's internal control system is


Question 10. Management of a company is responsible for

hiring the auditor.
preparing the financial statements.
the audit workpapers.
independence and obtaining evidence

Question 11. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 requires which of the following?

Only the largest four accounting firms may audit public companies.
Smaller public companies that cannot afford to become compliant with the act must delist and become pink sheet companies.
All publicly held companies will provide a report on internal control over financial reporting.
Chief financial officers of public companies must be CPAs

Question 12. Which of the following are the CEO and CFO of a public company prohibited from performing under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002?

Certification of financial statements
Disclosure of off-balance sheet transactions
Reporting on internal control over financial reporting
Selecting the external auditors

Question 13. The AICPA is an organization that is

historically self-regulated.
regulated by the federal government.
regulated the state governments.
a new organization established by an act of congress in 2002

Question 14. The audit client of the CPA firm is:


the SEC.
the audit committee.
the stockholders.

Question 15. Which one of the following will provide auditing standards of public companies?


Question 16. The organization that will continue to set auditing standards for firms auditing private companies is the


Question 17. According to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, how often must audit managers and partners rotate off an engagement of a public company?

Each busy season
When independence is in question
Every five years
Managers and partners are not required to rotate off of public client engagements

Question 18. Which group is responsible for ensuring that the organization is run according to the organization's charter and that there is proper accountability?

regulatory agencies such as the SEC
external auditors
board of directors
internal auditors

Question 19. Section 304 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires executives to forfeit any bonus or incentive-based pay or profits (including stock options) from the sale of stock received in the twelve months prior to an earnings restatement. This is often referred to as:

claw back provision
give back provision
restatement provision
fraud provision

Question 20. A proper system of corporate governance is one that demands

decision making by auditors in place of management.
accountability back through the system to the shareholders.
internal audit representation on the board of directors.
audit planning to obtain competent and sufficient audit evidence

Question 21. Information about a client that cannot be subpoenaed by a court of law is referred to as what type of information?

confidential information.
privileged communication.
contingent information.
audit communication

Question 22 . Which of the following describes a situation in which moral duties or obligations conflict and one action is not necessarily the correct action?

an ethical dilemma.
an ethical problem.
an ethical theory.
an ethical solution

Question 23. In determining the types of activities, engagements and interactions an auditor should have with a client, the CPA and the audit firm must do which of the following?

only assess the relationships of clients that pay audit fees that are material to their firm.
assess all of their relationships with every client to ensure that independence is intact.
focus on client satisfaction above all other considerations.
realize that ethics are only guidelines and a matter of personal judgment.

Question 24. Mark Pulley is an auditor at Pulley and Hurst, LLC. If Pulley's five-year-old daughter owns shares of stock in McBurgers Corporation, then Pulley is considered to have what type of interest in McBurgers Corporation?

immaterial indirect interest in McBurgers Corporation.
material indirect interest in the McBurgers Corporation.
a loophole for claiming independence from McBurgers Corporation.
direct interest in McBurgers Corporation.

Question 25. Which of the following represents a situation in which an auditor is independent of the client?

The auditor is paid by the client organization rather than the SEC.
The auditor takes a personal loan from the president of the company.
The auditor's dependent son holds 25 shares of the client's common stock.
The auditor has not received payment for the previous audit services.

Question 26. Independence is not required for which of the following types of services?


Question 27. Which of the following describes a situation in which an individual is morally or ethically required to do something that conflicts with his or her immediate self-interest?

an ethical dilemma.
an ethical problem.
an ethical theory.
an ethical solution.

Question 28. The AICPA Principles of Professional Conduct include which of the following?

public interest, objectivity and independence.
due professional care and supervision.
scope and nature of services and adequate training.
integrity and confidentiality

Question 29. An auditor that has an attitude that includes a questioning mind and a critical assessment of audit evidence is considered which of the following?

Professionally Skeptical.
Professionally Independent.
Professionally Competent.
Professionally Efficient.

Question 30 . A CPA firm is considered independent when it performs which of the following services for a publicly traded audit client?

Serving as a member of the client's board of directors.
Determining which accounting policies will be adopted by the client as approved by the board of directors.
Accounting information system design and implementation as approved by the board of directors.
Tax return preparation as approved by the board of directors

Reference no: EM13924191

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