The accrediting body of success university has given the

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Reference no: EM13459823

A Bachelor's of Science degree in Business Administration (BSBA) with a concentration in Organizational Leadership

The accrediting body of Success University has given the programs their blessing and the School of Business has been charged with launching the three programs. They have created a team consisting of faculty, graduates, admissions staff, student services personnel and a marketing representative from the Corporate Office to assist in the launch of the programs.

You are tasked with bringing the team together, apprising them of their roles and responsibilities within the team and mapping out a timeline with deliverables.

You are to produce an executive brief of a 5 - 7 pages (not including the title or reference page) that clearly outlines the:

  1. Team plan: Your plan to create a cohesive team. Include at least three strategies you plan to use to ensure a unified team.
  2. Launch plan - a comprehensive list of steps (at least 6) describing how you will launch the new programs.
  3. Goals and Deliverables: Describe the goals you have set for this project and create a timeline with clearly marked deliverables.
  4. Evaluation and Monitoring: Explain how you plan to evaluate the progress of your team and individual team members - discuss the key strategies you will adopt to monitor your team's progress and coach them to success. Examples might include weekly face to face meetings or written reports submitted to you weekly by each team member.
  5. Implementation plan: How do you intend to implement the launch plan? Discuss how the team will function and their roles during the implementation.
  6. Change plan: Create a strategy to deal with potential resistance from all stakeholders involved in the running and delivery of the new programs. For example there may be a concern in terms of increased workload, having to learn new policies and processes and the speed of the planned changes.

Reference no: EM13459823

Questions Cloud

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