The absco corporation has requested that herb germany

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM131155483

The Absco Corporation has requested that Herb Germany, CPA, provide a report to the Northern State Bank as to the existence or nonexistence of certain loan conditions. The conditions to be reported on are the working capital ratio, dividends paid on preferred stock, aging of accounts receivable, and competence of management.
This is Herb's first experience with Absco. Should Herb accept this engagement? Substantiate your answer.

Reference no: EM131155483

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The absco corporation has requested that herb germany : The Absco Corporation has requested that Herb Germany, CPA, provide a report to the Northern State Bank as to the existence or nonexistence of certain loan conditions. The conditions to be reported on are the working capital ratio, dividends paid on ..
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Auditing Questions & Answers

  Internal audit

Describe and evaluate this type of internal audit. What types of organisation would it be most useful for?

  Accounting professional and ethical standards

Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants

  Prepare swag''s consolidated balance sheet

Prepare Swag's consolidated balance sheet

  Auditing and assurance

Notable operational challenges for 4X Heavy Ltd faced in 2012/2013 were but not limited to

  State of the company’s industry and associated risk factors

Audit partner is concerned about his lack of knowledge of the industry the company is operating in, state of the company's industry and associated risk factors

  Prepare a memo to the audit partner

Prepare a memo to the audit partner on the ‘state of the company's industry' and associated risk factors.

  Adjusting or non- adjusting events

State whether Event is adjusting or non-adjusting event.

  Audit financial data

As a consequence an accounts payable clerk and financial accountant were made redundant from the business during the year.

  Identify principal audit risk

To identify principal audit risk and corresponding audit procedures

  Auditing and assurance

Show the audit inherent risk and rate the risk as low, medium or high.

  National health reform

Explain the role of the following three 'bodies' in National Health Reform

  Prepare a memo on the state of the company''s industry

Prepare a memo on the 'state of the company's industry' and associated risk factors.

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