Test the effects of different sleep stages

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132511977

Q1) Design an experiment that would test the effects of different sleep stages on a) a declarative memory task and b) a non-declarative memory task. To get full marks, the description must include 1) what animals you will use, 2) what manipulation you will do on the animal, 3) what the control animals will be subjected to, and 4) what you will measure to evaluate the effect of sleep on those two types of memory. Make sure to clearly distinguish how you will measure memory formation in each task.

Q2) Design an experiment that tests the effects of pollutants derived from fossil fuel use on a specific part of the nervous system and the behavior that this part is responsible for. This questions asks you to test the effects in two different ways: one on a specific nervous system structure directly, and another on a behavior that that structure is responsible for. The same 4 criteria described in 1) need to be met to get full marks.

Q3) The cerebellum is thought to participate in the coordination of movements over time Describe in your own words how the cerebellum structure and the connections to and from it regulate the coordination of movement.

Q4) Explain in your own words how the basal ganglia initiate a specific movement. Include in the answer where the BG send their output and how that ends up controlling the motor neurons responsible for the production of movement. To get full marks: 1) Choose a movement (walking, or eye movements), 2) describe what input the BG receive, 3) describe how that input is processed within the BG and 4) describe where the output of the BG is sent to initiate the movement you chose.

Q5) In relation to the movement you chose in question 4 what role does the primary motor cortex play and what role does the premotor cortex play? Be as specific as you can in naming structures involved. This question asks about your understanding of the role of two cortical regions, not just one. Explain both! An important thing about the answers to questions 4 and 5 is they actually reasonably explain the production of movement.

Attachment:- Systems Neuroscience.rar

Reference no: EM132511977

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