Test the database management system functionality

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1380270

Question: In a report that less than half of all companies validate the in their databases and test database management system's functionality. Why is this? do you think a certain type or size of organization is more likely to skip these tests than another? Please explain your reasoning.

Reference no: EM1380270

Questions Cloud

Find capacity of a particular airplane type : Consider the entities and their attributes. You should 1st determine what entities want to track. Next determine what attributes are required for each entity, and what relations exist between these entities.
Design adatabase to keep track of all students at university : Discuss how you would design a database to keep track of all students at a university. Explain tables, Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, relationships, attributes, Candidate Keys.
Database design process : A college course may have one or more scheduled sections, or may not have a scheduled section. Attributes of COURSE include Course_ID, Course_Name, and Units.
Question about trigger : What are triggers used for, and why are they important in database systems? Give an example of a situation where a trigger would be appropriate.
Test the database management system functionality : In a report that less than half of all companies validate the in their databases and test database management system's functionality. Explain your answer.
Dbms and data mining to imporve customer service : Discuss how a database management system and data mining can help motor vehicle maintenance center improve its services, and what tables would be required in such a database.
Dbms and data mining to imporve customer service : Discuss how a database management system and data mining can help motor vehicle maintenance center improve its services, and what tables would be required in such a database.
Reconciled using missed opportunity metrics : The question now is how can this two be reconciled using missed opportunity metrics for their measurement and major differences noted regarding any of these approaches/techniques/theories from one industry to the other?
Creating erd with primary, foreign keys and main attributes : A very small college wishes to keep track of history of all administrative appointments, The college chancellor may wish to know how many deans worked in college of business between January 1, 1960 and January 1 2008


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