Test the above six testing cases using jflap multiple run

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM133640010


A syntactically valid email address is made up of a username followed by ‘@' followed by a list of at least two domain names separated by ‘.'. Assume that user and domain names are made up of letters [a-z] and digits [0-9], and the main domain name, i.e., the last domain name, contains two or three characters. For example, the following three addresses are valid.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
but the following three are invalid:
[email protected]

1) Use JFLAP design a finite automaton to recognize valid mail address. Enclose your FA's JFLAP file (.jff) in your homework submission.

2) Test the above six testing cases using JFLAP Multiple Run function. You can include more testing cases if you want. Include a screenshot of your testing results in your homework submission as below:

3) Use a programming language at your choice to implement the FA designed in Step 1. Submit your source code and also write a readme file to show how to compile your program, how to run your program, and some testing results you have. (Note: The program should implement the FA based on your design and simulate the way how FA works. There is no credit for the program if the implementation is based on the use of regular expressions.)

Attachment:- finite automaton.rar

Reference no: EM133640010

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