Test Presentation - BC Yips Website

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM132264225

Assignment -

Full set of deliverables for the assignment -

Test plan (Word document is most common) - The plan outlines what you are going to test and what you are not. It also indicates what tools and processes you will be using.

Test scenarios - Test cases (only 3-5 automated test cases is needed for each project story provided - there is 3 project stories total with it being pretty similar, but updated with different bugs to test.

  • Excel format is fine for scenario and cases
  • Scenarios are a class of action a user can take, such as "sign in", "Create Yip", or "Reply to Yip"
  • Cases are specific paths in a scenario, such as "sign in with valid credentials", "Try to sign in with invalid password", or "Attempt to create Yip with too many characters"
  • Tying cases to scenarios through the use of naming and IDs in highly encouraged!

Test automation - an attached file has a test case already for the first story, you can add on all the other test cases to this file. (YipsTests.zip)

All priority 1 test cases are implemented (pass or fail! Fail is a valid result, remember!)

Send me your test solution - zip up all the files in the solution, I actually open and run your solutions!

Bug reports, consisting of the typical items:

  • Title
  • Reproduction steps
  • Expected result versus actual result
  • Priority
  • Severity

Final presentation - attached is the final presentation example that should be used to fill in with the work. (Test Presentation.pptx

Gives an overview of the work you have done for the course. Things to think about including:

  • Examples of a couple scenarios/test cases you created
  • Challenges you faced
  • Things that went well
  • Things that did not go well
  • What you might do differently in the future

You are of course not limited to just those parts - feel free to add any other observations and explorations.

Instructions - First you need to unzip the STE_capstone.zip file. From there you unzip BCYips1_0.zip, 2_0.zip, and 3_0.zip. No need for BCYips_0.zip. These are the 3 stories you need to open in visual basic 2017 community which is free. Open up the Capstone Web Spec 1_0.pdf to read the first story to match with BCYips1_0.zip. Try to find bugs in the first story that you would feel that would a priority 1 bug. You will need to automate at least 3-5 test cases for each story. There is a file i provided already in the first email call YipTest.zip that has a log in test case. Just add on all the test cases to that file. You do the same thing for 2_0 and 3_0 opening the BCYips.zip and matching it with the web spec story.

To get the BCYip project website to load though, you need to open the BCYips project setup in VS 2017 and configuration doc attached. That tells you exactly how to set it up for each project so the website works. To get the project to run the test, you need to have project running so the test you create will run.

Once you have created 3-5 test cases for each story and it all passes, you need to open up the Test Presentation.pptx and fill out what you did. You don't have to fill out every single slide on the presentation, but most of it and how you did it helps a lot.

BC Yips Website - Test Presentation:

Simple overview of project components

  • Test Plan
  • Scenarios
  • Cases


  • Discussion
  • Demo of sample case

Challenges you faced

Things that went well

Things that could have gone better

What you might do differently on future projects


Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132264225

Questions Cloud

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Defend-the best marketing research is quantitative in nature : How would you describe the schools of ethical thought from an organizational perspective? Use at least two (2) academically reviewed journal articles.
Increase in government spending on higher education : Analyze the likely impact on the US economy, or an economy of your choice, of an increase in government spending on higher education.?
Test Presentation - BC Yips Website : Once you have created 3-5 test cases for each story and it all passes, you need to open up the Test Presentation.pptx and fill out what you did
What factors contributed to our undergraduate gpa : What do you see as the greatest challenge(s) facing people who strive to be leaders in today's complex world?
Price elasticity of demand for soft drinks generally : Why is the price elasticity of demand for Coca-Cola greater than price elasticity of demand for soft drinks generally? Briefly discuss.
What did congress get wrong in imposing : What did Congress get wrong in imposing this tax? Briefly discuss.
What are the flows within a supply chain : The Director of Operations for your company has been trying to introduce logistics and supply chain management principles to your management team without much.


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