Test for the kleenex case

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM1399744

Count of their Kleenex use in diaries According to the Wall street journal report, the survey results left "little doubt that the company should put 60 tissues in each box." The number 60 was "the average number of times people blow their nose during a cold." (note: in 2000, the company increased the number of tissues packaged in a cold-care box to 70.)

From summary information provided in the wall street journal article, we constructed a data set that represents the results of a survey similar to the one described above. In the data file name Tissue, We recorded the number of tissues used by each of 250 consumers during a period when they had cold. We apply the hypothesis testing methodlogy presented in this chapter to this data set in several Statistics in Action Revisited example.

What are the hypotheses we would want to test for the Kleenex case?

Reference no: EM1399744

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