Test a program that generates 1000 random numbers

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1328354

1.Write and test a program that can read in the surname and firstname of 10 students together with a percentage test mark, storing this information in a file and then printing it out in a table.

2. Using the procedures RANDOMIZE TIMER (which initialise the random number generator) and RND (which returns a random number between 0 and 1) write and test a program that generates 1000 random numbers between 1 and 6 and stores them in a data file.Write a second program the takes the data produced by the first program and analyses it to produce a table showing the number of times the values 1 to 6 appeared. Display the results in a table.

Note: To generate random integers in a given range the following calculation must be made

INT((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * RND + lowerbound)

Where INT returns the integer part of a real number

So to generate integers in the range 1 to 6 this becomes

INT((6 * RND) + 1)

Reference no: EM1328354

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