Term paper that focuses on a social movement incident

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM132245999 , Length: 7 pages

All students will submit a 5 to 6 pages paper (double-spaced, 12pt, Times New Roman) to the professor.

The cover page (optional) and the bibliography page should not be considered part of the paper's length.

The citation and references should follow the APA format guide

The TA/Prof will have a brief info session on citation format before the submission week. Students are required to write a term paper that focuses on a social movement incident (e.g., the Oka standoff, Occupy Wall Street, the 1979 Iranian Revolution), organization (e.g., Idle No More, labour unions), ideology (e.g., Anti-Globalization, women rights' movements, Black Lives Matter), or identity (e.g., First Nations, LGBTQ).

After selecting the focus of the paper, you will need to formulate a research question. You should try to answer the question using one or multiple perspectives learned in the course.

Students should be aware that using multiple perspectives may lead to a lack of analytical depth. This is something to consider when planning the paper. The paper should cite 1-3 academic sources (the textbook does NOT count).

Ideally, the references will include 1-3 pieces from the supplementary readings articles provided in the PAWS system, but you can search for other relevant academic sources.

Other works are acceptable if they are selected from well-respected, peer-reviewed sociology journals, such as Canadian Review of Sociology, Canadian Journal of Sociology, Mobilization, Social Movement Studies, British Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, and Social Forces.

Use the library and/or Google Scholar to search for and download the articles. Nonacademic sources (media reports, blogs, column essays) are not encouraged and not counted; use them only when necessary and after the professor pre-approves

Reference no: EM132245999

Questions Cloud

Evaluation of how the case impacts the organization : Having completed both of these tasks, you should assume you're a senior manager in the organization you selected, and that you were asked to perform an analysis
Issue in work practice of any current or previous activity : Identify an issue in the work practice of any current or previous activity that you have undertaken as a team leader.
Exploring and identifying options for improvement : Identify at least two key areas for improvement and discuss these with your team, exploring and identifying options for improvement.
Develop a term project paper to incorporate rfid technology : Develop a Term Project Paper that is a detailed design of an implementation plan to incorporate RFID technology as part of a real-world business model.
Term paper that focuses on a social movement incident : Write a term paper that focuses on a social movement incident - formulate a research question. You should try to answer the question
Broader environmental factors : The role of group dynamics and diversity, Broader environmental factors.
Describe your personal experiences with social support : Describe your personal experiences with social support systems as student and/or teacher.
How does the story relate to authentic leadership : MGT6334 Organizational Behavior Use each perspective of authentic leadership presented in the reading to analyze your own leadership. What is a crucible story?
What are internal resources-capabilities-core competencies : What are the internal resources, capabilities, core competencies, and the value chain of Apple?


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