Term paper - provide a concise overview of the topic

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM132794101

Term Paper: The topic you choose needs to be focused so that you can provide a concise overview of the topic and recommendations in the length allotted. Grading will only involve the written paper which must be typed, double-spaced, and APA style. References should only include peer-reviewed mediums such as books and peer-reviewed journal articles.

The references should be recent (no more than 5 years old; the more recent, the better). Each paper should not exceed 10 pages. The paper should be submitted in Microsoft Word format, using the "Assignment Drop-Box."

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The paper summarized the impacts of child sexual abuse. Child sexual abuse takes place when a child whi is less than 18 years is sexually abused by a known and trusted person. It impacts the child mentally, physically, socially as well interpersonally. The educational achievemebt of the child is also affected by the sexual abuse that later impacts his or her employment oppportunities. Hence, in order to prevent the occurence of child sexual abuse, some recommendations has been provided such as implementation of child-focused sexual abuse prevention programs, adult-focused prevention programs and counselling services.

Reference no: EM132794101

Questions Cloud

Analyze the monograph required in the course : Your purpose is to read and analyze the monograph required in the course. This monograph is Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody.
What level should the company operate : Assuming that PRIDE, Inc. is able to sell of its production at $3.00 above variable cost, at what level should the company operate?
What effects did history and economies of given areas play : What effects did the history, politics, and economies of those areas play in their decisions to turn to totalitarianism? What role did the Great Depression.
Record the purchase of fixed assets and year end transaction : Record the purchase of fixed assets and year end transaction using the deferred contribution method, assuming that the assets were purchased
Term paper - provide a concise overview of the topic : Concise overview of the topic and recommendations in the length allotted. Grading will only involve the written paper which must be typed, double-spaced
What will be wacc for longhorns : While its cost of common is 15 percent and cost of preferred is 8%. If the appropriate weighted-average tax rate is 25 percent, what will be its WACC?
Explain effects of french revolution and napoleonic wars : Identify and explain two important effects of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars. Should the French Revolution be viewed as a suc cess or a failure?
What the number of shares of treasury stock is : Assuming the treasury shares were all purchased at the same price, the number of shares of treasury stock is? Common stock $10 par value 18,000 shares
What are the major securities in category : What is the role of capital markets for individuals and corporations?


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