Reference no: EM133380871
Art History I - Term Paper
For the term paper, you will write a two page paper discussing the topic you chose from the examples provided to you. In addition to giving all necessary background information about the specific piece assigned to you, please discuss the historical context of the work and any pertinent related work as well.
Please include a cover page with your name, the professor's name and the course title along with the title of your paper.
Please include an image section containing image of the work and related imagery in a separate section from the body of your paper.
Please include a bibliography or works cited page, citing all sources used. You are required to use a minimum of three bibliographic sources. Books, catalogues, magazines, as well as the internet are all acceptable sources.
The format of the term paper must be typed, two full pages of text, double spaced in normal 12 point Times New Roman font, with one inch margins on all borders. The cover page, image section, bibliography and works cited page do not count as part of your two full pages of text. You term paper must be submitted STAPLED. Do not include plastic report covers, folders, paper clips etc. with your term paper.
Please proofread your term paper for grammatical, spelling and syntax errors. The tutoring center is available to help you proofread your term paper. Term papers with grammatical, spelling and syntax errors will not be accepted.
Please choose from the following topics: Polykleitos' Spear Bearer
- Polykleitos' Diadoumenos
- Praxiteles' Hermes and the Infant Dionysus Praxiteles' Aphrodite of Knidos
- Lysippos' Victorious Youth The Belvedere Torso
- The Farnese Hercules Gemma Augustea
- Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Allegory of Good and Bad Government