Term helper t-cellsimmunology is a complicated but

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM13361474

Term: Helper T-cells

Immunology is a complicated (but fascinating) topic. An understanding of the immune response to viruses is critical to understanding the course of a viral infection as well as its pathogenesis. We are constantly exposed to viruses through respiration as well as through direct contact. It is our immune systems that generally ensure these viruses do not affect us. For most pathogenic viruses, it is not the virus itself that causes tissue damage and cell death, but it is the immune response that is responsible for the majority of tissue damage.

The best way to understand the immune response to a virus is to first understand all the "players" of the immune response and then put together how these "players" work as a coordinated "team" to mount an effective immune response.  The "players" in the immune response are the cells, the macromolecules and receptors that constitute the immune system.  For LU9, you should claim one of the "players" below and create a single PowerPoint to teach the class the role of this player in the immune response. The slide should have 3 or 5figures max and a series of bullet points that explain the player. The slides will then constitute a study guide that should help you with the immune response learning units. Next week you will put all these players together and create concept maps that explain the intrinsic, innate and adaptive immune response to you semester virus and then explain the maps to the class using Jing


Reference no: EM13361474

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