Temporary shelters for people who are homeless

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Reference no: EM133421022


Six months ago, large amounts of funds were allocated to temporary shelters for people who are homeless in your county. However, a recent county data report indicated that people who are homeless are still sleeping in their cars or in parks. You are the lead researcher in the county's office and are aware that the question calls for qualitative research methodology. You are tasked with exploring and understanding the lived experiences of people who are homeless to develop more effective public policies. How do you as a researcher makes sense of the data from the perspective of the individual study participants? Explain. What data analysis methods are most suitable for this sense-making task? Why?

Reference no: EM133421022

Questions Cloud

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Why is chicana literature is essential : What were early Chicanas writers writing about their culture and identity? Why is Chicana literature is essential?
Temporary shelters for people who are homeless : Six months ago, large amounts of funds were allocated to temporary shelters for people who are homeless in your county.
The movie is Brooklyn : The movie is Brooklyn-Which character best represents the antagonist and why? What happens in the exposition? What happens in the denouement?
Mending Wall : In the reading "Mending Wall," by Robert Frost Which character(s) did you like/dislike the most? Why?
Definition of the american dream : You learned the definition of the American Dream. You also learned about the American identity.
Would you advise helen to meet with each group separately : Would you advise Helen to meet with each group separately, as suggested? Why or why not?


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